The goal is to teach small farmer a wide variety of alternative enterprises, marketing options,marketing, business planning, alternative production, worker health and safety, and important financial topics that will help them improve their operations. “The conferences will help improve the sustainability of our small farms and maintain viable agricultural communities throughout Florida,” said officials.
These small farms workshops were designed by FAMU county extension agents and faculty.
"I always gain something at these conferences where I can see all types of new ideas presented,” said Belinda Cheney, a past small farms conference attendee, who owns and operates Cheney Farms, in O'Brien, Fla. “Attending has been especially helpful to me in finding new crops to try and new ways of doing things to improve my operation.”
Small farms, up to $250,000 in sales, represent over 90% of all farms in Florida. These farms represent about 15% of all farm product sales in Florida.