This Just In...

da rattler
We hear that Rev. R.B. Holmes' days as chair of the Presidential Search Committee maybe numbered. In recent days Rev. Holmes has already seen his chairmainship broken down into a co-chairmanship with Laura Branker. Meanwhile, Mrs. Lowe is said to have informed Rev. Holmes that she will be reevaulating his chairmanship to determine where his services can best be used. We are told Mrs. Lowe said, the Board is moving into a different direction and that they may be moving him to where his services can best be used. Stay tuned.

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  1. Is this punishment for asking the Gov. to appoint an independent investigator?

  2. Holmes should not have appealed to the governor. The BOT is where the IG matter should be resolved. It is appropriate punishment for his running to the governor. If Lowe can punish Holmes in this way, she can also extend Castell’s time in office by replacing Holmes with someone who will do her bidding. It looks as if Castell will be with us for two more years.

  3. Make that five.

  4. Sunshine law...What Sunshine law?

  5. this is ridiculous.

  6. Seems like punishment to me. I guess he's out.

  7. It appears that Holmes' true crime was stating that he wanted to seat a permanent president in six months. Challis wants one no sooner than 18 months from now.

  8. Check out Challis' op-ed in the Democrat today. The sad thing is: there are still many FAMUans who will accept that load of distorians and falsehoods as the gospel.

    RN: I know it pains you to be the bearer of bad news, but you must carry on. Someone has to cut through the deliberate efforts to mislead us.

  9. "The board's presidential search committee, under the co-leadership of the Rev. R.B. Holmes and Laura Branker, must now focus its energies on completing the process," said Challis Lowe.

  10. Just a thought RN. Do you think Holmes is gonna STFU, or is he gonna continue to write more letters?

  11. If he is to gain any measure of respect back from the stakeholders (us), he'd keep writing the letters...

  12. I just want Holmes to focus on getting a new President...

  13. Anybody know how Rev Holmes is progressing on his promise to raise the $1 million for the athletic program? There has been little or no talk of the grand plan! All I can remeber is the apporx. $100,000 that was raise at the dinner that was held in Jan. This just additional proof that the BOT have no real plan for success other than putting out the current fires.

  14. Anonymous at 4:38 p.m....

    It's the board and their incompetent employee that's creating these fires, one in succession after another.

  15. yeah that's to pay for Castell bonus and salary increase in the midst of ever increasing losses!!

  16. Holmes needs help from the stakeholders, including FAMU employees.

    Let's get to it!!!!

  17. That's true. We've got to stop this from happening.

    If Challis removes Holmes and appoints someone like W. George Allen or Bill Jennings to head the presidential search committee, there's no way we're getting a president in 6-12 months.

  18. It looks like Challis learned from her last op-ed piece. Last time, she confirmed that FAMU never had a $51 million deficit like Bryant originally claimed. She also revealed that the surplus was much less than Bryant asserted.

    This time, there's even less substantative information in her op-ed. Just generalities -- saying: "Trust us, we know what we're doing."

  19. If Challis removes Holmes and appoints someone like W. George Allen or Bill Jennings to head the presidential search committee, there's no way we're getting a president in 6-12 months.

    George Allen was against the idea of SHARED GOVENRNANCE in the last BOT meeting.

  20. For man so revered for being the first black to earn a UF law degree, W. George Allen represents the lowest level of ignorance in university governance.

    If he were on UF's BOT and stated that shared governance was not important, then their faculty would go bonkers and immediately call for his resignation. No research-oriented university tolerates attacks on shared governance. It's a principle that separates serious research institutions from mediocre run-of-the-mill diploma factories.

  21. Well that should tell ya what Jebbie thinks of FAMU. Research-oriented -- not!

  22. Well FAMUans must make certain that Jeb and powers-that-be don't try and blame these problems on "us."

    We did not appoint this sorry BOT that has failed to hire competent presidential leadership. FAMU was going strong before this BOT came into existence. Once Jeb's appointees got in control, FAMU went into a steadily decline.

    Have any doubts? Just compare 2001-2006 with 1995-2000.

    This is your mess, Jeb. Now take the opportunity to clean it up. You've got a chance to get Challis Lowe out of here. Use it!

  23. Why would Jeb take an opportunity to undo his devious plan?

    This is his legacy "I destroyed the strongest HBCU in the WORLD and when I become president I will finish off the rest."

  24. Chairman Holmes should not be
    replaced as Chair person for the committee to search for a president. Chairman Holmes adds stability and direction to this board. He is a fair and objective individual,one who "STANDS UP, FOR
    RIGHT EVEN IF HE STANDS ALONE." This behavior should be applauded.
    He did right in informing the Governor, it is the Governor who appoints the members of the Board
    of Trustees.

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