Schools back in session

da rattler

By the Numbers
Preliminary enrollment numbers suggest that FAMU's enrollment is declining. FAMU remains the No. 1 producer of black students earning bachelor's degrees, as well as black students becoming pharmacists and students earning doctor of philosophy degrees in physics.

FAMU did well, in the BE ranking, even though it had a graduation rates less than 50 percent, because it benefited greatly from having higher black enrollment numbers,

There were more than 11,000 students registered for classes on the first day of school, down from 12,600 enrolled in fall 2005 (which was down 900 from the previous year).

FAMU celebrates No. 1 ranking

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  1. How much more than 11,000? Lets hope late registration wil see droves comes through.

  2. Are there still seniors who don't come back till after labor day?

  3. If they choose to come back after Labor Day, registration will be over and the last day to pay registration dues is Friday, Sept 1.

  4. As alumni, faculty, students and FAMU Parents WE CAN INCREASE ENROLLMENT. ThE article in BLACK ENTERPRISE is a windfall for us. Alumni, students and parents from around the country should be purchasing a copy of the magazine. Secondly, alumni should be participating in college fairs ALL OVER the country talking about FAMU's programs and campus life.

    How can you find out about college fairs? Connect with Black Greek organizations, call your local high schools and contact other civic organizations. Lastly, call the university and request a copy of recruitment materials.

    I am sure many of you are saying, "Isn't this the university's job to recruit?" The handful of persons who may do recruiting for the university cannot service the whole nation. Secondly, they cannot attend the 40 different college fairs that may occur in your area.

    The best recruiters of new students are current students, satisfied parents and alumni. It is time we do more than run our mouths about what is wrong and start talking up what is good.

    The mileage we get from this good press is up to us. If we want to increase enrollment, let's just do it.

    Nothing will change with our constant re-hashing of what enrollment was 1-2 years ago. We must start thinking about the future and doing what we can to increase enrollment and funding to the school.

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