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da rattler
The Marching 100 has voluntarily withdrawn itself from consideration in participating in the fifth annual Honda Battle of the Bands in Atlanta in January 2007. The Marching 100 has been a participant in every HBOTB to date. The Honda is considered the Super Bowl of marching band fest.

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  1. Voluntarily or instructed. RN can you get more info on this?

  2. Good. They can use that time to work on their class assignments and bring up their grades.

  3. it was Voluntarily. and for the second anonymous. dont worry about becuase thats already happening.

  4. ^^^^

    That was cold!

    While the band is bringing up there grades, maybe Cast-hell can take advantage of those free six hour of classes to brush up on her studies aswell.

  5. ^^^You got a point there.

  6. The band has been contemplating not going to "HONDA", for acouple of years. It's very "drumline-ish" anyhow. Microphones for the bands on the feild?! Now really.FAMU's presence in the exhibition validated it in the first place! They got all grand and started acting like an invite had to come our way. Nobody else sells out the Goergia Dome but FAMU's BAND. The thing wouldn't have been around today to speak of without. You know how many OTHER (black operated) exhibitions the the band attends(many times too often, and if anything the primary reason for the students not thriving academically) are out there and just as legit? The HBCU Band world is pretty large and the Band the FOSTER BUILT is the cultural leader(authority)! No matter how much Dr. Chipman may need to ascend to be responsible LEADER of the legendary vision. This affects other colleges' spirit too! But that is too deep into another world and another discussion. Politics baby, politics.

  7. I heard a rumor that CastHell offered Chipman the position if she got rid of Julian, but say this isn't so. Because I told the person this was just too stupid to be true.

    Damn, what the hell is going?

  8. Nope. The story i heard was Cast-hell offered Chipman, Chairman of the Dept. of Music. Mr. Chipman turned her down because it would put him in an akward situation.

  9. People who don't know much always have the most to say. The grades of the band have absolutely nothing to do with anything. The choice that anyone student may make to devote more time to something that see that has more depth and quality, than the things they see in some of the classrooms is there own choice. On a larger scope, we are all adults, and everyone suffers the consequences for their choices later own in life.

    screamin Demon &
    hollywood hoods

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