Personnel Office Shake Up!

da rattler
We understand that there have been BIG changes in the University's personnel office. Over the past few months four-five employees have been either fired or reassigned to ERP. The dismals continued on Friday.

We understand, that the ERP Office is the holding office before you are dismissed entirely from the University.

We could name names of those dismissed or reassigned, but we won't.

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  1. Damn. How is it all of these people were doing their job appropriately before Cast-Hel came on board, but now, all of a suddent, nobody can do anything right? Castell Bryant has waged WAY too much power as an interim. She's getting rid of all of the people that the new president may need to at least get started on the damn job. Let him/her have some damnbody to fire when they get here. Her and that ol tired assed Janie TeaLeaf, er, greenLeaf or WTFevah plus that old tired-assed Liz McB. Castell & Crew just need to pack up th4eir shit and roll on up outta this mfer. I think she's proved her point since Jan 0: I'm running this mfer, and don't none of y'all niggaz forget it.

  2. And all of the mfers who agree with the president, all they're doing is kissing her old tired ass, but getting no mfing where in the damn process.

  3. Why all the cussing? Is it possible to have an intellectual discussion w/out all of the profanity?

  4. Yet another casuality in the same pattern as the Housing and Alumni Affairs offices. Everyday, it is more apparent that Roosevelt Wilson's description of the situation is right on the mark. Castell Bryant is a heartless administrator who sees FAMU's employees as nothing but mere "firing objects."

  5. An "intellectual discussion" here? I think you might mean "intelligent dialogue." There is a great difference between the two. Let us be "intellectually" correct before we start making "intelligent" suggestions here.

  6. No he meant what he said.

    Let's not digress into nit picking.

  7. I am also bothered by the amount of cussing on this board. It degrades the intellectual content and represents to the outside world (remember, this is on the open internet) that blacks at FAMU are semi-literate street-toughs who can't put together a sentence in standard English, yet who want to change the world.

    It would be helpful if we could all have vivid conversations about issues related to FAMU, without resorting to tired assed, pack up their shit, niggaz, mfing, damnbody, and all that tired old dismissive uncommunicative anger.


  8. I agree. Can't we all stop this cussing? Damn.

  9. I'm puzzled. What's "uncommuicative anger"?

  10. Anonymous said...I am also bothered by the amount of cussing on this board. It degrades the intellectual content and represents to the outside world (remember, this is on the open internet) that blacks at FAMU are semi-literate street-toughs who can't put together a sentence in standard English, yet who want to change the world. It would be helpful if we could all have vivid conversations about issues related to FAMU, without resorting to tired assed, pack up their shit, niggaz, mfing, damnbody, and all that tired old dismissive uncommunicative anger. --rN 10/10/2006 5:40 PM

    Okay, and other folks don't cuss. You'll be surprise at the number of MFers, damns, fcuk, sihts I hear in one day and the majority of the people are white with the exception two. Everyone has a professional degree from a university.

  11. What are you people talking about? "Intellectual content..." This forum is designed for open and "intelligent dialogue." If you want intellectualism, may I suggest you go and read written work that is indeed of an "intellectual" matter. RattlerNation is not an "intellectual" forum. It can, however, be a site for intelligent discussion. Believe me, there is a great difference between "intelligent" and "intellectual." Intelligent is, for the most part, sensible, unrestricted commentary on a number of topics. Intellectual is dialogue and prose of a scholarly nature. So far, I've not seen anything here that would suggest anything scholarly. Intelligent? Perhaps. Scholarly? Hardly. Let us quite trying to make something out of what isn't there. Let's be real about this thing.

  12. Re:

    Damn. How is it all of these people were doing their job appropriately before Cast-Hel came on board, but now, all of a suddent, nobody can do anything right?

    Maybe they WEREN'T!

    "Appropriate" still leaves plenty of room for "incompetence" - and FAMU right now needs more than just mediocre "appropriate" muggs still working up there now.

    Let her clean house of EVERYbody that needs to be gone ... So whoever the new Prez is WON'T have to endure having to fire "appropriate" anybody!

  13. Like it or not, this forum is open to the world. People anywhere will read it as a reflection of the quality of discussion at FAMU.

    Yes, many people cuss. Many do not. Very few people lard their language with cusswords and slang when they realize they may be viewed as representatives of an organization they honor.

    Let's cuss in private. Then we can also burp and fart if we want to. We can even pee in the bushes (or on them). But we don't have to do so before the world and in the name of the FAMU family. --rN

  14. Anonymous said....10/11/2006 1:08 AM

    Thank anonymous for your intelligent words.

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