987 items valued at $2.7 million missing

da rattler
If anybody finds an E-Z-GO golf cart that seems out of place, call Florida A&M University. It's missing one.

Same goes for five lawn mowers, two industrial-sized popcorn poppers and a salad bar.

Oh, and a marquee sign that cost $24, 000.

987 items missing

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  1. What?????!???? All I can do is shake my head. How do you lose a salad bar *lol*
    Maybe Cast-hell has taken these things for last minute momentos.

    ... in :19 and counting we will be rid of her in exactly 60 days.

    Hip Hip Hooray...Hip Hip Hoorayyyy!

  2. lol... a salad bar.....roflmao..........i guess...mrs. june....and...mrs. rufina........lol....is....looking...for...some....salad....to....be...tossed. lol

  3. RN, now you know you oughts to quit. How does a salad bar go "missing." The salad was so good until the people ate the dang-gone bar, too?? And a E-Z-Go cart, too?? You know somebody's got that thing in their garage and have been riding around in it after dark when the neighbors can't see him (or her). Now, you know what?? That's just taking stuff to be taking. What the heck are you gonna do with a salad bar except, well, sell it to someone or put it in the restaurant that you've always wanted to run. So, one day, you come home from work with a salad bar tied to the top of your car. "Look, honey, what I found on the side of the road." It just happened to have ""FAMU" and an I.D. # etched on the side.

  4. looks likes somebody outfitted a restarant off of FAMU.

    And, I guess Corbin set up his janitorial business off FAMU tool.

  5. More like, those things never actually existed in the first place and someone made off with a lot of cash .....

  6. this university is a big joke

  7. Anonymous said...
    this university is a big joke

    4/30/2007 2:51 PM

    You momma is a big joke...she had you !


  8. All kinds of stuff is missing at FSU and other places, so don't putting FAMU down because of a few bad apples.

    Don't make me remind you of the hundreds of thousands of Africans your people stole. Don't get me going on the legacies and histories yall stole.

  9. Your Momma so fat, when she puts on BVD's it spells Boulevard!

    Your Momma so fat, she sat on a rainbow and made Skittles.

    Your Momma butt so big, it has its own zip code.


  10. Hey IDIOT at 5/01/2007 7:55 AM

    Your OWN PEOPLE back in Africa sold you to the Muslims in the middle east a very long time ago, and those guys sold your ancestors to the Dutch Trading Co. who then sold them to the American settlers.

    So if they had stayed in Africa, they'd die from genocide, AIDS, infant mortality rate, and starvation. If you don't like it, go back.

    By the way, you cry about 200 years of oppression, when many blacks came voluntarily. Look at other cultures who either still have slaves or had them for thousands of years before their liberation, like the Hebrews. Now that's oppression.

    So go and cash your welfare check and buy some malt liqour, pork skins, and lotto tickets and a pack of Newports and STFU.

  11. Now WAIT! You do NOT have "school" most of us on anything regarding the African Holocaust! Get out of here. ...And if YOU don't like it.., you go where "YOUR" people built, not destroyed. If you can really find that place or time... you LEECH! BTW, you claim that you built the Americas, LIES! Funny how you attempt to refute American oppression, by pointing out a few of the devices and byproducts. There goes that one-dimensional "education". Get HELP at that whack-ass psych school and med school which are STOLEN. But I see where a CRIMINOLE would get off thinking that we know little about stealing or crookedness. You're such a CHEERLEADER FOR THE "CAUSE". Puns: intended.

  12. DAT!...bom-bom, bom-bom, badadadadadadada, bom-bom..... (to the tune of FSU "war" chant)Get---the F#@k out--, get-- the F#@k out---!

  13. You get the fcuk out, and stop stealing taxpayer money! Long Live FSU!!! FSU is a REAL school.

  14. f*ck you, 3:34--the only reason fsu's sh*t isn't in the paper is because the editors don't friggin; report it. Don't be so damn stoopid to believe that FSU is lilly-white clean, mf. y'all 'bout some of the most corrupt mfers that ever walked the earth.real school, my ass. y'all just got the newspaper folk on y'all's side, and FAMU doesn't. Simple as mfing that. And you're an idiot if you don't know this very basic fact.

  15. AMEN. FSU has some of the biggest and racist crooks over there starting from the top down.

    They even have some of their black employees believing that they are better than FAMU employees.

    They would rather stay over their with MASSA and endure all kinds of racism and bigotry cause they believe FSU's ice is colder than FAMU's.

  16. Irreplaceable
    Dedicated to Castell & Co.

    To the left
    To the left
    Everything you own in the box to the left
    It’s in the audit
    That’s our stuff
    If FAMU bought it
    Please don’t touch

    Keep talking that trash that’s fine
    But could you board your broom at the same time
    And it’s FAM’s name that’s on that Tag
    So get to steppin you triflin’ Hag

    Standing up in Lee Hall
    Tellin us how we just a fool
    Talking bout –
    we’ll never ever ever find a Prez like you

    You got us twisted

    You must not know bout FAM
    You must not know bout FAM

    We can have another Prez in a minute
    Matter a fact he’ll be here in minute

    You must not know bout FAM
    You must not know bout FAM

    We will have another Prez by tomorrow
    So don’t you ever for a second get to thinkin
    You’re irreplaceable

    So go ahead and get gone
    Call up Challis and see if she home
    Oops I bet you thought that we didn’t know
    What you think we are firin’ your ass for
    Cause yall was untrue
    Lyin and stealin and doin what you want to

    So Casty drop off them keys
    And hurry up before yo broomstick leave

    Standing up in Lee Hall
    Tellin us how we just a fool
    Talking bout –
    We’ll never ever ever find a Prez like you

    You got us twisted

    You must not know bout FAM
    You must not know bout FAM

    We can have another Prez in a minute
    Matter a fact he’ll be here in minute

    You must not know bout FAM
    You must not know bout FAM

    We will have another Prez by tomorrow
    So don’t you ever for a second get to thinkin
    You’re irreplaceable

    So you robbed FAMU of everything
    But how about she’s still something
    Though she’s nothing at all to you
    But we won’t shed a tear for you
    We won't lose a wink of sleep
    Cause the truth of the matter is
    Replacin you with James was so easy

    To the left
    to the left
    To the left
    to the left

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