James Ammons' first thought: "embarrassing."
Embarrassing because Ammons was the university's new chancellor, and even though the problems happened before his watch, they were his responsibility now. Embarrassing because Ammons knew this wasn't NCCU's first bad audit; in fact, the historically black university hadn't had a clean one in more than 20 years.
Read more at the St. Pete Times: Ammons change agent
Ammons is a SACS guru
The only way Ammons was able to do this was by cleaning house. This is much easier at NCCU than at FAMU. Among other things, NCCU has no Ph.D. programs (which is where the unpaid graduate students at FAMU are concentrated) and far fewer federal grants. Ammons has no experience at all with these kinds of things.
ReplyDeleteHe has experience wit Ph.D programs and grants at FAMU.
ReplyDeleteHe has experience wit Ph.D programs and grants at FAMU.
ReplyDeleteAnd that's a plus????? Thanks for adding to my concern!!!
Is there any truth to the rumors that Castell's inner circle folk have been given pink slips? Names, please. Is that ol' tired-assed, cussing-like-a-sailor, Liz McBride gone yet?
ReplyDeleteNCCU has more federally funded grants then we do now and a state of the art BRITE Manufacturing facility that is recognized throughout the state and nationally.
ReplyDeleteNCCU's law school is ranked in the top 100 and has a 87% pass rate. Before we start criticizing we need to get the facts straight.
As far as PhD programs, what have we produced lately? Faculty ain't writing and Castell sho' ain't fundraising.
He will undermine all of his credibility if what Barbara Barnes says is true.
ReplyDeleteShe is quoted saying that she will be his Provost.
That is just a rumor. It has to be.
ReplyDeleteBarbara Barnes can not possibly be a Provost. Everyone knows how she got her other positions on campus and that she is cut from the same cloth as Castell and others.
Don't even put that out there, and if she is running her mouth telling people that, then she proved my point that she will not be a good Provost. Wouldn't you want to keep that low key.
Ammons is too savvy of a leader to even call his common sense and integrity into question by making her his Provost. Can't you just see her representing FAMU on the state level and at the Board of Governors? They already think we are incompetent.
She will just be at meetings pontificating like she always does.
This is a flat out rumor.
You can not convince me that in his years at NC that Ammons has not learned better. If she was Provost material, he would have taken her to NC with him like he took all of those other great employees that drained FAMU and filled NC with the ability to acheive what he did.
Barbara Barnes, Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs.
That doesn't even sound right.
Stop spreading rumors.
ReplyDeleteSome people say he asked deans and vice presidents to resign. Others say that there is a list of other people who will be released. Now there is this rumor that he has named the Provost.
Give the man time to get here.
Let's focus on getting ready for him and for the next phase of FAMU's glorious history.