With Ammons there's cause to be hopeful

da rattler

After Castell Bryant swept into town leading us through nearly 840 days of darkness, there is hope just around the corner. As has been enstilled in FAMUANS, that even through tough times (dark clouds ) hope is never a lost friends, true Rattlers will weather any storm and rise to the occassion.

Today's Tallahassee Democrat editorial, points that out.

Institutions and big corporations are sometimes faceless and impersonal, but like individuals, they go through various stages of development and passages.

Some go smoothly. Some are difficult and painful.

And sometimes outside help is desirable.

That's the circumstance in which Florida A&M University finds itself today - at the brink of what virtually everyone who has an interest in FAMU recognizes as a new stage in its history that could determine for decades to come whether the university succeeds or continues to be mired in political and administrative predicaments.

We're hopeful that the beginning of the James Ammons era will mark the start of campuswide revitalization - not only of programs, but, as importantly, of spirit.

Continue reading: Hope on the horizon

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  1. FAMU stakeholders --- alumni & students--- have cut the grass and rid the university of the "snakes" (Challis, Castell, W.George Allen, and Debra Austin). We must stay viligent, and on task to rid the university of the others they've left behind.

  2. 8:52AM said

    ...task to rid the university of the others they've left behind.

    This one of the reasons why LR was selected on recommendation of our next leader. He knows who and where they are. If they ain' gone by July 2nd, they'll be gone shortly thereafter.

  3. Well then ...

    Are YOU - and the rest of these "stakeholders" you speak of finally willing & ready to "plant some seeds" ... And make add some things REALLY grow from now on up there ...

    Or - Are you just willing to do nothing more than just keep shovelin' piles of s*** - and draw nothing but more flies?

  4. The only piles of sh** we see is what you post here and those ripoff packages you sell. YOU, as an original CastHell and crew supporter, I'd think that you'd be looking somewhere else to hawk your wares.

  5. Let me be the first to propose a new decorum on RN when Dr. Ammons assumes the presidency on July 2nd: Let us refrain from using profane language and making unsavory remarks about what Dr. Ammons does and/or does not do when he begins the arduous task of presiding at the university. Let us be courteous and kind and intelligent on this site. Let us not stoop to the level that Castell Bryant made us stoop to. I know that no one but the typist types the comments that are posted on this site, and I know that Castell Bryant made us all so angry until we sometimes forgot that we are above such derogatory behavior and insulting speech. Let us all begin anew. The university is starting to move in a different direction. I would like for those of us who come here to write with a different purpose. We can and should still post our grievances, but let us not be so mean-spirited and hateful in the process. Readers of the RN deserve no less than intelligent commentary. While we certainly won't agree on every aspect of what is happening (and is going to happen at Florida A&M University, I do, however, believe that no matter our diversities, we can all remain respectful to the site and its readers. RN provides us a wealth of information, which we would be unable to get (in such detail) anywhere else. We know that the state's newspapers cover higher education issues and their coverage of the issues affecting FAMU have sold a multitude of newspapers and provided a sinful number of conversations. Let us not give readers more dynamite to use against us. We must remember that this is a public site, and in this regard we should be seriously cognizant of the manner in which we express ourselves with respect to our university. Again, let us begin anew, and let us begin shortly. Thank you.

  6. It is too late to clean this board up. Everyone has come to expect ignorant, crass, inane innuendo on this Board. It wont stop.....

  7. I for one will refrain. I referred to casthell as a bitch numerous times- for that I stand corrected.
    Dr. Bryant I wish you well and would appreciate if you please return our bonus money and most of the slary you know you didnt earn.
    The healing has begun, we know Dr. Ammons is coming home.


  8. 6:59, it's never to late to change, and I think the majority of us might be willing to do it. BTW, I posted the 7:04 comment, and I, as did many others, said terrible things about Castell, but I didn't call her the "B" word, but I said a lot of other ugly things, and I say all of this to say that I will follow my own 7:04 post and begin with myself. I really do think, however, that we can do this. Can we all just give it a try and see how things work out? We must start somewhere, and when, if not now, is a more appropriate time to begin anew?

  9. correction on my above post..."never too late...", not "never to late..." I stand corrected.

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