Bush cronies cripple FAMU

da rattler

The Tallahassee Democrat began its 8 day in-dept look at FAMU today. Here's the first story.

When James Ammons left as provost in 2001, FAMU was one of the places to be in higher education. It was nationally recognized for snagging the best and brightest black students. Enrollment surged. Programs flourished.

"There was an aura of positive things happening at the university," Ammons recalled. "It was hot."

Now it's in hot water.

When Ammons returns to campus a week from Monday as Florida A&M's 10th president, he'll take on the herculean task of healing a university beaten down by years of million-dollar bookkeeping blunders, operational dysfunction and divisive leadership. Last week, the school was put on six months' probation by its regional accrediting group.

Read more: A&M ravaged

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  1. Steve Ufelder has so much hate for FAMU is isn't even funny. He and Bill Tucker need a nice big cup of STFU !

  2. Oh yeah, and why is Corbin being quoted?

    The Democrat need to do an entire expose' on his stealing !

  3. Jim Corbin still refuses to accept any responsibility for the colossal damage he inflicted on FAMU. Corbin is the one who manipulated the 2002 presidential search so Charlie Nelms would withdraw and Fred Gainous would be selected.

    Then, he pressured Gainous to fire everyone in the controller's office who had helped the university get clean financial statement audits from 1978 to 2002.

    When Gainous was no longer serving his objectives, Corbin dumped and rigged another search process for Castell Bryant. Bryant made the chaos in the financial division even worse.

    During the 2006-2007 presidential search, Corbin led a smear campaign against James Ammons. And now, we see him continuing to attack Ammons in the Democrat.

    When Corbin passes, FAMUans should throw a huge block party like the Cuban-American community in Miami is planning in anticipation of Castro's death.

  4. During the 2006-2007 presidential search, Corbin led a smear campaign against James Ammons. And now, we see him continuing to attack Ammons in the Democrat.

    Got something for his (Corbin) raggedy ass when I see him.

  5. Anonymous said...
    During the 2006-2007 presidential search, Corbin led a smear campaign against James Ammons. And now, we see him continuing to attack Ammons in the Democrat.

    Got something for his (Corbin) raggedy ass when I see him.

    6/24/2007 10:48 PM

    He shouldn't be hard to find. Give it to him really good!!!!

  6. Why must you people resort to ignorance? Leave Corbin be and focus on getting the school straight. The blame game has not helped Morris Brown and it wont help us if we dont get it together. Cany you folks see that people all over are reading this site and wondering why FAMU should exist when one or two people always want to be ignorant instead of expressing themselves without violence, threats of violence or personal attacks. The failures of the school are not just the doing of one or two people...

  7. The first step to solving any problem is to correctly identify its source.

    Had it not been for Corbin:

    -Charlie Nelms would have been FAMU's 9th president instead of Fred Gainous;

    -FAMU would not have rashly removed all the officials in the controller's office without taking appropriate steps to transfer the criticla institutional knowledge;

    -FAMU would still have clean financial statement audits;

    -FAMU would have had a capable interim president such as Larry Robinson instead of the grossly inept Castell Bryant;

    -FAMU would not have had to endure a publicly embarassing anti-Ammons campaign during the search for the 10th president.

    We cannot begin to fix the problems until we accurately identify the people who caused them. Corbin and his allies are still trying to point fingers elsewhere and shirk responsibility.

  8. B-CU is rooting for ya'll!!!! GO FAMU!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. James Corbin hates Fred Humphries and that's where it all starts. He will never be able to do what Dr. Humphries did to raise FAMU up and his cronies only brought her down. Ammons should move quickly to remove all remnants of Corbin, Gainous and most of all Cast-Hell. Then FAMU will be on the road to recovery!

  10. According to Barney Bishop, the so called cabal that remains is only Holmes who sits on the BOT. He also mentioned R. Wilson as being part of a visionless power structure.

  11. Starts with Corbin and ends with Corbin. He is mostly to blame for FAMU's downfall. Get his disciples out and FAMU rises again like the phoenix.

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