FAMU is taking it to the airwaves


Like FAMU, we're on our way back.
Here's the new TV commericial FAMU is currently running on TV stations throughout Florida to repair some of the damage caused by the previous regime.

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  1. Nice commercial.

  2. simple, to the point. good stuff. All the glammer and glitz will come later.

  3. Good job, Mr. President and welcome back Rattler Nation.

  4. ^^^^
    We are back!

  5. Yes, everyone needs to be talking up FAMU in order to spread the good news about all our university has to offer. We've got to preserve our status as the number producer of blacks with baccalaureate degrees and get the National Achievement Scholars back into the institution.

  6. ANMRattler's got a nice selection of FAMU videos at his youtube page.

  7. HOT DAMN! We're on our way back. That other person who occupied the seat for 30 months tried to destroy us, but Dr. Ammons has it going on. Yes! Yes! Yes! It's a damn fine commercial, and I'm proud to be an employee of the university and a two-time graduate of the institution. You go, Dr. Ammons (with your fine self!).

  8. He is fine ain't he!

    So nice and mannerable!

    I hope dem raggedy hoes at A&M don't start throwing pussy at da durn man outta both sides of dey drawers!

    Dem hoes sumpin else!

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