Ron Joe dismissed

1 minute read
From the old news never reported dept....
Ron Joe, former VP of University Relations & Executive Director of the FAMU Foundation has been dismissed from his job. Joe's last day was Friday, January 18th.

Sharon Saunders has been appointed interim VP of University of Relations & Executive Director of the FAMU Foundation until Carla Willis takes over on February 18th.

Joe isn't exactly taking his dismissal lying down, we're told he's waging his own campaign to remain on the university payroll in some capacity. The retired army colonel is waging a tactical campaign using his extensive rolodex calling all of the Tallahassee power brokers.

As a bit of history, Joe came to FAMU to head the ROTC program, he later became director of Student Activities. He was then appointed interim VP of University Relations by interim president Castell Bryant after she abruptly fired Love Collins. From all indications, Joe's skills set were not suited for the University Relations post, but he's managed to survive until now.

Also read: Willis named new VP of University Relations

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  1. How much money did Ron Joe actually raise?

  2. I think he should be able to retire comfortably! I never saw him do anything great, just a place holder. I would really help the economy to retire him and some other ineffective employees and give their positions to a more talented younger generation of Rattlers.

  3. RN, no you didn't! (have to go there with that blackface image.) but I do understand.

  4. RN, you ought to be ashamed and you owe col. Joe an apology. Your comments were fair, but the Al Jolson photo was neither called for nor applicable. Y'all need to cut dat shit out with the quickness. You need to apologize too. That kind of slam makes you appear vicious and petty, not ot mention ingnorant, rather than independent, objective and informed.

  5. Is the blackface photo really necessary?? I expect better from RN.

  6. Not knowing Carla Willis or her qualifications, I will leave it up to Pres. Ammons to decide if this is the best fit for the university. Let's hope she is the best VP in history. I will say, however, that I worked with Col. Joe and know him to be an upstanding and dedicated member of the Rattler family, so whatever is written about him should take that into account. He has "survived" this long not just because of some accident of history. He's a good guy whose heart is in the right place. I really don't understand and am offended by the Jolsen image. Maybe he isn't the best person to be VP, but is that really called for? Why not save that image for someone who deserves it? I think it's an insult to the Colnel, and Rattler Nation, which I respect greatly, needs to grow up a little on this one and not insult someone like that without thinking about it.


  7. After having observed Ron Joe in action for a number of years, I think the photo fits nicely with his personality. He's a buffon!

  8. Cedric @11:54 says it right. Col Joe is a good guy. Leave him alone RN.

  9. After last weeks RN post in which RN SLAMMED WRITERS and stated they would SCREEN all responses in future, RN published an agonizing BLACK FACE slur of a Col. Ronald Joe. There is nothing that I can recall of Colonel Joe being a "Tom" or Negro - he was just another ineffective FAMU Administrator who speaks eloquently,looks good in a suit, and walked with a misplaced sense of power. There are lots of employees like him who need to go. However RN's carricature has only brought shame upon itself! This is a most regrettable display of misplaced power.

  10. It's not like RJ shuked and jived his way though the VP and executive director of the foundation positions.

    Or, how about the ole baptist table and offering plates he pulled out at almost every university event?

    Or, how about how he treated his staff? The yelling and belittling.

    Or, how about his uncanny way of hearing only what he heard and not following direct instructions from the past presidents?

    Or, how about his uncanny way of alienating the foundation board members?

    Or, how about his recent comments in USA Today (2007) where he defined alums as not EVER giving to the university.

    Or, how about his ability to go over his operational budget by $2-3M yearly.

    RJ is where he is because of a direct result of his actions or inactions. Hopefully, those he chose to circle himself with on the 2nd floor will shape up or be shipped out by the next VPUR.

    The whole area needs an overhaul. It's the most populated do nothing office on campus. Top heavy, salary heavy, non-producing entity that is a drain on Title II funds, university funds and foundation funds.

  11. Yea, take that!!!!

  12. I love FAMU!!!!

  13. I was happy to learn of Ron Joe's dismissal he was certainly over his head...but the Black face distorts the message of your story.

  14. To 1:51pm - You are one mad person, but you are absolutely right. RJ is all that you said and a lot more. You had to have worked directly with him to know that all of that dressing up in fine suits and speaking eloquently was a bunch of BULL! He treated most of his staff (the ladies) like garbage, unless they had long hair (owned or bought) fair complextion and make-up. He did nothing for the university but keep the boat in the water, and now it is time to get some one who can move the boat out of deep water. RJ is a has been!!!! I for one am very happy that he is gone, my life on the 2nd floor is alot more pleasant since his departure. That picture depits him correctly!!!! Oh, and by the way, when RJ fired other people, he was not nice to them (CF, LPN, TH, etc., so what makes him think that anyone needs to be concerned over his feelings. If you really knew RJ, you know that is is not smart at all. HE IS A DUMMY!! He has survived by kissing up. We all know the bible verse, you reap what you sew!!! Great move, Dr. Ammons!

  15. 10:15pm

    Seems pretty personal to me. Maybe you should just get over it because from your comments, it seems you're mad that he didn't favor you. Since you gave specific depictions of, I guess, your coworkers (and your jealousy of them, hmmmm) ...... maybe it just comes down to - you're just unattractive and are very self-conscious of that. Maybe it's you that do nothing for your department which is why you're looked over. Maybe alot of reasons, but it seems an interim is supposed to do exactly what he did, which in your terms "keep the boat afloat." In the end, this is a blog and you are so welcome to air your jaded opinions on this and everything else so have at it!

  16. 10:30 am,

    Ron Joe has already retired once --- from the Military.
    FAMU owes him nothing.

  17. All dressed up and went nowhere. RJ was a cheap trick in a cheap suit. It should saddened all folks that this guy had such disdain for FAMU. When the United Way belittle FAMUans, he sided with them. He enjoyed going to meetings, writing with his fine Mont Blanc pens. He loved telling his staff how we should get things done because he was in charge.

    The thing I will miss most about RJ is his ability to unite everyone around the staff table with his jibberish about nothing. It was there that I learned how to sleep with my eyes WIDE open.

    The government will provide for him well at the tune of $8,000+/month and all the healthcare he needs. Now he can enjoy his palatial estate and be lord of his castle.

  18. 10:49, I don't think 10:15 was jealous or anything. I think perhaps she called it as she saw it. And for the record, I don't know the man from Susie's housecat; wouldn't know him if he knocked on my front door and introduced himself, so I have no vested interest in defending him. Also, I'm not connected to anyone on the man's staff. I don't think the writer's mad. I just think she saw what was there. People aren't blind, you know, and sometimes folks favor who they favor, is all. It's ok to disagree without having a hidden agenda.

  19. From someone who was there before COL stumbled into this position and who survived the "nothingness" that followed---COL Joe is a good "manager." Give him a process or set of instructions and he can keep the ball rolling. But he is in NO WAY, SHAPE, OR FORM a Fundraiser.

    His position calls for someone innovative and forward-thinking. COL, by his own admission, knew he was in over his head. But his justification for sticking around: "I want to try to work 6-7 more years before I retire."

    As the sun was setting on CVB, COL championed a re-organization of the Development office---splitting the VP of Devep/Exec Dir of the Foundation position in 2. Knowing he had no chance of remaining VP, his hope was that he could remain on as Exec Dir until he retired. Well, if you thought COL wasn't a fundraiser, he is even less qualified to run The Foundation (a non-profit). He broke so many rules and laws, and caused so much unnecessary stress. Not because he was evil, just because he was ignorant as to how to do his job. The sad part is he would openly admit he didn't know what he was doing to his suboordinates, yet refused to step down or tell his superiors to get someone else. He also managed to raise his salary ridiculously.

    It is really sad. Before that experience, I always saw Ron Joe as a pillar of FAMU. But sadly, he proved, in the end, money was more important than what was best for FAMU.

  20. 6:25, this, so far, the best commentary I've read on the site re. RJ's dismissal.

  21. RN, not trying to tell you how to do your job, but you really need to remove that blackface image. it's quite insulting. we get the drift of why RJ needed to be dismissed. now, that we know, let's give it a rest. (i didn't tell you "how" to do your job, just "that" you needed to do something about that image, as in remove it from your site.)

  22. I have never seen such hatred and meaness on this site. Each of us are responsible for the words we utter against another person.

    You may think it is humurous to insult and try to tear Col. Joe apart, but you reap what you sow.

    What will be your reward for these kinds of unwarranty insults.

    I pray that the Colonel will rise above what as been said here and not let it touch who he really is.

  23. What do all your shallow, hurtful comments purport to accomplish? I read through your words and hear "jealousy," "resentment," and "ignorance" shouting your anonymous names. For those who truly know Ronald M. Joe, the man is an amazing leader and a wonderful human being who sees no color. He earned--not demanded--the respect of countless people at all levels, both in the military and at FAMU. And FYI, looking sharp is a requirement to succeed in the military, as it should also be for any university administrator. RJ's heart is, and always will be, with FAMU and what's best for the staff, faculty, students, and alumni.

  24. i worked for RJ in the military.

    he was/is a net negative.

    on every level. pathetic.

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