Apprentice winner to speak at FAMU

Randal D. Pinkett, chairman and CEO of BCT Partners and season four winner of NBC "The Apprentice" TV-show keynote SBI's “Invention to Venture” Technology and Entrepreneurship Workshop scheduled for Friday, February 29, 2008.

The daylong "technology bootcamp" is designed to empower the academic community with the knowledge and resources of how to commercialize their innovations, while connecting them to the local technology business community.

“The School of Business and Industry is excited to take the lead in establishing multidisciplinary partnerships to create a campus-wide environment at FAMU that supports entrepreneurship and innovation and encourages creativity, experimentation and cross-functional collaboration,” said SBI Dean Lydia McKinley-Floyd.

There is a registration fee of $10 for students; $20 for faculty, staff and alumni; and $40 those in the business community any others interested in attending. The fee will cover the participant guide, lunch and a continental breakfast. Interested individuals may register at

Sponsors for the event include FAMU’s School of Business and Industry, Office of Technology Transfer and Small Business Development Center; and Economic Development Council of Tallahassee/Leon County.

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  1. He is amazing. I look forward to his visit.

    Check this out from her majesty HRC: "You had a very strong and very proud African- American electorate, which I totally respect and understand," Clinton said in response to the Louisiana election results.

    Does this sound condescending to you?

  2. yes, 4:44, that's it! thank you very much! (from 4:28)

  3. yes, 4:44, that's it! thank you very much! (from 4:28)

  4. or you can go to the FAMU website ( and click on his picture when it pops up in that main window.

  5. Why ARE we charging students to attend this event? They pay enough in tuition and fees.

    SBI dean, if you are reading this blog, please give the students a break.

  6. Give me a break! As a student trust me we find money to go to the clubs, which do not give anything to the school, we find money to get rims for our cars, and we find money to buy all the latest name brand clothing and shoes, and once again the latter two have done nothing and do not do anything to contribute to the well being of FAMU! So what is 10 darn dollars? Nothing!

  7. LOL.. if you have rims on your car.. .SHUT UP about the money

  8. if you have cell phone... SHUT UP about the money

  9. I will not shut up. We pay tuition and fees and A&S fees to cover these types of events. If the dean is that hard up for funds, then she needs to get off her butt and visit some corporations. This is acumen to asking students to pay for Forum. Ooops, what is that, because it isn't anywhere near to what it used to be?

  10. You dang gone right tuition and fees is almost $10,000 per semester. This should be a part of it.

  11. I remember before the Apprentice he spoke to my class in SBI for free; he is a personal friend of a SBI professor. I was impressed. I am guessing you have to pay this time because the event is open to the larger Tallahassee community.

  12. 11:24/11:26 Once again my friend when the "groups" have step show STUDENTS PAY 20 dollars! When the "fashion" groups have shows the STUDENTS PAY 20 dollars! when the "groups" rent out clubs that do not support FAMU but support FSU and then deny FAMU students addmission for free on college night STUDENTS PAY TO GET IN! SO give me a break! As students, as a whole, not just you, WE need to get our priorities in order.

  13. ^^^And you ASSume that I attend any of these events. Quit the contrary. I am here to get an education and could care less about Greek parties and modeling troupes. As I said, my tuition and fees should cover these types of educational events which are quite different from extracurricular parties and modeling shows.

  14. Listen to last night's interview with Dr. Pinkett:

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