Collins edges Franklin in race for SGA president


Atlanta native Andrew Collins, 22, edged out Gallop Franklin1,103 votes to 1,092 to earn the right to serve as SGA President/University Trustee for the 2008-2009 school year. Collins is a MBA candidate in his fourth year in the five year program. Collin's running mate and now VP-elect is Mellori Lumpin of Bainbridge, Ga. Lumpkin is majoring business administration.

The race went down to the wire and wasn't called until just after midnight on Wednesday morning.

Collins seen here in his lucky blue shirt celebrating and here on his campaign website and here on facebook. Notice a pattern?

Franklin, who lost by 11 votes, said he was not pleased with the outcome of the election plans to challenge the vote and seek a recount.

Runoff elections for Miss FAMU will between Amanda Byrd and Scarlett Williams.

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  1. Ahhh student elections, never a dull moment.

  2. It will be great to have a Collins' back on the Board of Trustees! Congratulations, Andrew. I know Art and Toni are proud!

  3. The sista in the photo sure is pretty. As Richard Pryor would say, "smooth, pretty, charcoal black." I'm sure the two Georgians will make a great team. Congrats to both!

  4. Richard Pryor always had a way with words. And I'd definitely agree with you on the point above!

  5. My such beautiful smiles on these young people.

  6. Congratulations! Although members of your campaign team were acting real "ignorant" and childish... I am very happy for the two of you.

  7. Congratulations to Collins & Lumpkin. Atlanta is well represented at FAMU and in our student leadership. MR. FAMU 2008-2009, Omari Crawford, is also from Atlanta. I'm very impressed with Collins, Lumpkin, & Crawford and feel very confident that they will represent FAMU well.

  8. These student leaders will definitely be assets to FAMU's efforts to recruit more scholars from the Greater Atlanta area and all across the Peach State.

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