Boosters contribute $142,802 to athletics


The FAMU Boosters said for the fiscal year ended 2007-08 that they contributed $142,802 to FAMU athletics. This is a $42,702 dollar increase over the amount they contributed last year and nearly $141,000 over the amount they contributed in 2005, the boosters said.

The boosters also said, the athletic department's 1,000 Strikes (annual giving) campaign is not in direct competition with them and that any donation over $1,000 to the boosters will be counted as a part of that campaign.

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  1. Didn't the Boosters give, like, $230,000 one year?

  2. gotta start somewhere. Keep on growing and you'll be seeing $1M a year coming into the school.

  3. $1M a year? Not with Mickey Clayton at the helm!

  4. I agree with 12.22. To run a thriving company which is the boosters and athletic program at FAMU , you need to get quality people to run that company. And as long as you have people like Mickey Clayton and others thats working for themselves and not the school, the program will falter. And the Athletic program will stay in the RED.

  5. mickey clayton's is running (or not) the boosters? dang. how many job switcheroos has the university given that man. he's been in more positions than anyone i know. and he's been there, like, how long now? good grief.

  6. Mickey has nine lives I believe. Why they still have him hanging around is truly beyond me. I thought once the new AD came, Mickey and Clayton Smith would be history but I guess that Kappa bond is strong!!!!

  7. I am glad the money is being raised. I hope it gets put to goo use.

  8. As a person who has been a booster for about 10 years, Mickey has been the best. I am not saying he is the best out there, but he has moved the organization tremendously!!!!

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