FAMU Recreation Center to be expanded


Florida's 2008-2009 state budget, which was just recently signed into law by Gov. Charlie Crist, included $5.1M to expand FAMU's student recreation center. The 39,000 square feet rec center which just opened in May 2006, at a cost of $6.8M is set to add several indoor basketball courts and a floating track. The addition could also include upgrades to the intramural fields.

Also see: Recreation Center opens for business

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  1. What this place needs is some consistent hours !

  2. Way to go FAMU!!!

  3. I love the rec center as it but now I can run the indoor track too!? Now all they need is a swimming pool and sauna and I'll be set! Go FAMU!

  4. Be careful folks, charges will be coming thereafter.... just wait -- they will be part of the plan. t Don't trust the hype!

  5. Charges for non-students were supposed to be apart of the plan from the start.

    Perhaps, if there were nominal fees for non-students, such as faculty, staff, and alums, this place would have better hours and be usable.

  6. I don't understand. How are you going to expand it when SGA don't want to fund the employees that are working there now. So who is going to be working there and who is gonna pay the employees if SGA doesn't? Somebody explain

  7. SGA can't afford to pay the employees because their budget has been cut and cut because of low enrollment, and the current center director has NEVER implemented a plan to charge university faculty/staff and employees for using this completely student funded center.

  8. Faculty & Staff have the facility written in as a benefit. With layoffs and increased students in class youx have to extend a few benefits or end up closing classes. Faculty, staff, alumni and retired staff continue to DONATE MONEY FOR SCHOLARSHIPS for............. YOU THE STUDENT! Some of you make us sound like free loaders. Perhaps we can all pitch in and have a grand fundraiser every semester to support the Rec Center. Lets hold each other up and work together

  9. ^^^ That is absolutely false!!!! ^

  10. I am a FAMU student and I would love to know that I can use the rec center after I graduate. I also agree that the Rec Center is a great employee and alumni benefit. however, we currently do not open the facility to outside guests. I think it has something to do with state funding(correct me if I'm wrong). My sister goes to FSU and while their Leech Rec Center is free for students, faculty, and alumni, guests are allowed to use the facility- as long as they are accompanied by an ID'd FSUan, and they pay a $5 fee. This way, the gym still makes a profit without sacrificing the quality of the facilities or the equipment. Also, their juice bar and deli are open at normal hours so that you can always count on them to be open(more income). Now FAMU's Energy Bar on the other hand...well I don't know WHAT's going on there!

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