McGill pleads guilty!

Former Director of the Institute for Urban Policy and Commerce, Patricia Walker McGill, today pleaded guilty to eight counts ranging from conspiracy to commit theft to how she used those dollars.

Federal prosecutor Stephen Kunz preferred not to comment. However, McGill's attorney Gary Printy explained why his client changed her plea.

"The government does not have to prove she did something illicit," he said. "Even the money that went to her could be found to be a crime."

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  1. i 'spect girlFriend won't be high-living any time soon. Damn, it's a shame that she will spend her golden years locked up. All because she had big eyes and sticky fingers. But when you mess w/the federal gov't., you better know the hell what you're doing. Especially if you're a regular ol' black person, b/c we all know that folks do this s*** all the time, but have $$ to at least back them up when the s*** hits the fan. I think McGill's going to need ore than a good friend's shoulder to cry on -- which, according to the newspaper article -- is what she did when she made her announcement. What an ending to a sorry, sordid mess.

  2. My prayers are with the MCGILL family

  3. Another Hump girl gone wild.

  4. This ain't about being Black, this is about being caught...she was riding high and driving fast on my tax dollars...her family had to know all about her thieven ways, so I ain't prayin for any of them. Maybe they can help her pay back what she owes. This s*** does go on all the time, and Black and Whites are sittin in jail for it....wherethey belong..

  5. May the Spirit of the MOST HIGH GOD continue to bless and protect Ms. Mcgill and her family. We all have sinned and fallen short of His Glory, but this, too, can work together for the Good if she only asks for His forgiveness....

  6. " so I ain't prayin for any of them"

    Somebody doesn't realize the way it works.

  7. Thou shall not steal!
    Thou shall not bear false witness!
    Thou shall not covet!
    Thou shall not worship any graven image ($$$)!

  8. 9:51 AM

    Ask for His forgiveness? He forgave her when He died/rose 2008 years ago. What she needs to do is realize how malicious her actions were...learn from them...and pay the price.

  9. 6/19/2008 6:35 PM Said:

    Ask for His forgiveness? He forgave her when He died/rose 2008 years ago. What she needs to do is realize how malicious her actions were...learn from them...and pay the price.

    THAT IS SO, SO RIGHT ...... I'd like to see her have to take care of the grocery shopping and cleaning for an elderly person who doesn't have a BMW, a mansion, or a $87,000 a year paycheck to fall back on - or to throw away by wanting even more...I'd rather see folk like this have to wait on someone else hand and foot for two years, than sit in jail and fed 3 times a day....

  10. ya'll dogged Castell when she shut it down, take it back!!!

  11. $1500 a month hardly sounds like a mansion

  12. Who doesn't think $l,500 a month would buy you a really nice house??????? Dang....I'll take one.

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