Off Topic: Baracking a new logo!

da rattler

Democratic nominee Barack Obama unveiled a new logo in his hometown, Chicago, Friday morning while discussing the economy with visiting Democratic governors. The quasi-presidential seal the same bald eagle as the actual presidential seal clutching an olive branch and arrows in its talons, but instead of a shield covering the center of the eagle’s body, the Obama version displays the campaign’s trademark “O.”

Unlike the Presidential seal, which includes the words “Seal of the President of the United States” around the circumference, “Obama for America” and “” grace the top and bottom of Obama's.

Finally, just above the eagle, in Latin, are the words – “vero possumus” – which translates to “yes we can,” the oft-heard chant at Obama rallies.

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  1. I found this site because my cousin (who is white, like me) will play football for FAMU in the fall and he told me to watch for him down there in Tallahassee. I like the Obama logo and so does my family so you guys don't pay any attention to the crazies who say it's inappropriate.

    I hope people buy tickets to see the football games, and I'll be there for at least one. Go Rattlers.

  2. I will be rooting for your cousin this fall. I'm happy that he decided to play football for FAMU and I wish him much success. I've already purchased two season tickets. Welcome aboard new Rattler.

  3. guys are nice. I can't wait to visit Florida and the Rattlers. My high school colors are orange and white, so I already have the orange. See you in October....

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