OT: McCain is not only recycling Bush policies, but also his attack ads

da rattler

Republican nominee John McCain is taking going green to a whole new level, by recycling imagery from a Bush "scare" ad of four years ago?

Not only is the McCain/Palin campaign utilizing Rovian tactics like distracting the media with a silly phrase ("lipstick on a pig") for an entire 24-hour news cycle to smokescreen the fact that the Republicans have no record to run on, they're also recycling the scare tactics from old Bush/Cheney attack ads. Sick.

McCain = Bush.

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  1. what did u expect.

  2. Go McCain!

    I'm not voting for a socialist just because he is black.

  3. Talk about a MF not having ANY original ideas.

  4. I'd rather have a lipstick wearing pig in the white house than a smooth talking pretty boy that is going to raise my taxes and socialize the economy.

    We DEFEATED communism in the 80's. Why do we want to elect an agent of that failed ideology? Why do we want to enslave our children to an increasingly oppressive and intrusive government?

    Because he has black skin.

    I hope that ALL of the presidential candidates and VP candidates are exposed for exactly who they are and what the believe before November.

    Obama's story is slow seeping out.. and it is very unsettling.

  5. Apparently, you missed the independent comparisons of tax plans by 3rd party organizations. These show that Obama's tax plan cut taxes more work working folks who make under $225,000. While the only folks who would see their taxes cut in a McCain admin were folks who made over $300,000.

    Conclusion: McCain favors the rich and the elite, while Obama's tax plan favored everyday working Americans.

  6. I have never got a job from a poor man. If you cut taxes on the rich, there will be less jobs available.

    Why should government get the money that could be used to provide more jobs to me and my family?

    You are a sucker if you think that raising taxes on small businesses (the wealthy) will help you.

    It will simply be harder to find a job because there will be less incentive for people to start businesses that create jobs.

  7. This campaign is not a game when the livelihood of a nation is potentially set to be placed in the hands of people with niggling (petty) ways. To me, the issue at hand is bigger than recycling ads or putting lipstick on a pig. We as a people have to trust the position of our leaders. And, if the people on your ticket has always been called pretty/beautiful and falters at a simple figure of speech, how much more will they point fingers and hope that their support system will go rampant off of emotions to boost their confidence, especially when facing world leaders? The phrase wasn't even geared toward Gov. Palin.

    We must understand that the world is bigger than this campaign and all involved, although all are watching. And, I don't want to hear a future presidential state of address filled with how this person or that person said something that in reality was overtly taken out of context because the intent is to get a rise out of the people.

    And this is another thing I am observing. How out of the entire speech Obama gave when using the phrase, the only thing the Republicans felt was wrong (reported by the media) was what type of animal he used. What kind of fight is this? When I say fight, I mean what kind of edge do you really have to top your opponent. Is this type of tactic really effective for the Republicans? Is this really the kind of change we will see take place in our government under the Republicans? How can you be a maverick if you are still holding on to the ideals/tactics of your predecessor, especially when it left a bitter taste in the mouths of the people? I want this campaign to be more realistic. I really do.

    By the way, 10:19am, are you a multi-millionaire or a small business owner? I am just curious?

  8. 11:12am, your life should not be defined by how much the "rich" man can pay you at the expense of your labor. To me, it seems you have aspiration to work for someone, who may not have your best interests in mind, until you reach retirement. Or am I wrong? No one said that the tax plan would last forever. In my opinion, it is just an effort to get people, especially low to middle class, back to square one. If there is one thing to take from this tax plan, it is to understand that you can not govern with a false balance. The plan is not to make everyone common. But, it is to allow the "rich", poor and middle classes to be more accountable. As a millionaire, how can you make room for more if you are holding onto the money. Of course, wisdom is needed in the handling of finances. But, the fear of the "rich" should not be the poor house or commonality with the common man. Something as simple as pruning a tree can give you insight into the matter. The tree is not cut down but cut back so that the fruit yielded is more abundant. But, my hope is not in a tax plan or tax break for that matter. That's another topic all together.

  9. 10:19 (me) is a small business owner that cannot afford another expense (Mr. Obama's proposed taxes). The likely response to higher taxes will be to cut the payroll - or at the extreme close the business. If Mr. Obama takes all the profits, there is no incentive to work 80 hrs a week. It may be more profitable to draw an unemployment check.

  10. 11:12 am,

    Reagan cut taxes for the RICH and no riches or jobs trickled down to everyday Americans. Quite the contrary, the rich got richer and the poor got poorer.

    Things didn't get better for ALL Americans until a Democrat -- Bill Clinton was elected.

  11. Sarah Palin's family is PWT.

  12. The only difference between Palin and the rest of THEM is that she's got a fence around her trailer!

  13. Some of these comments on here are sickening! And sounds like they are coming from "out of touch Negros." If you think that this country will prosper and stay safe under a McCain/Palin administration you are quite mistaken. McCain has an economic plan for the haves and have mores! And let's not talk about War. If he gets into office we haven't seen War yet!

    And don't get me started on how insignificant Palin is and this gutter politics that their campaign is participating in. So don't be blinded by these GOP rants and rages that things will get better under they're control! Wake Up!

    OBAMA/BIDEN in 08!

  14. Isn't it fascinating how Obama is comparing himself to PALIN now and not McCain...

    I thought being gov. was the primary qualifier for being prez.

    She is the CEO of Alaska - the biggest state - with a $18 million dollar budget and a surplus.

    Clinton was the CEO of the poorest and worst run state in America ($2 million budget) and no one questioned his qualifications.

    The experience game is NOT one Obama should fall for. THEY ARE SUCKING HIM IN TO A TRAP. They WANT everyone to start comparing experience.

    Time to move to a different game.

  15. 11:47
    These statistics are a little technical, but the data indicates that your position is not based in fact.

    Working class improved under Reagan.


  16. Lemme give a shout out to the RATTLERS FOR MCCAIN!!!!!!!!!

    Trailer trash...LOL...Barbie don't live in no trailer...

    Poor white trash... cracker...how else will you slander her?

    As a person who has lived in a trailer.. I take great offense at the term "trailer trash"....it has the same vitriol as "nigger" and you should apologize.

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