OT: CNN Poll: Obama wins debate

da rattler

Not a surprise. Just like the first and second debates, a majority of Americans believe Barack Obama won the third and final presidential debate. CNN/Opinion Reseach:

Fifty-eight percent of debate watchers questioned in a CNN/Opinion Research Corp. poll said Democratic candidate Obama did the best job in the debate, with 31 percent saying Republican Sen. John McCain performed best.

The poll also suggests that debate watchers' favorable opinion of Obama rose slightly during the debate, from 63 percent at the start to 66 percent at the end. The poll indicates that McCain's favorables dropped slightly, from 51 percent to 49 percent.

The economy was the dominant issue of the debate, and 59 percent of debate watchers polled said Obama would do a better job handling the economy, 24 points ahead of McCain.

McCain groupies will be happy to hear their candidate won two categories. "Eighty percent of debate watchers polled said McCain spent more time attacking his opponent [and] Fifty-four percent said McCain seemed more like a typical politician during the debate."

Probably not the two categories McCain would prefer to win.

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  1. CNN is in the tank for Obama.. .of course they will say he won. All he had to do was show up in a suit and he wins (according to CNN).

  2. 6:24 PM, Reading Is Fundamental:




    Even YOUR boy Dick Morris said that Obama won. Hannity got hot! LOL! http://crooksandliars.com/2008/09/28/dick-morris-says-obama-won-the-debate-and-that-angers-hannity/

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