FAMU DRS working hard to overcome challenges

big rattler

In one of The FAMUan’s best investigative reports this year, Editor-in-Chief Akeem Anderson takes a very detailed look at the Developmental Research School’s path toward a better future.

Anderson’s examination reveals what FAMU’s administration is doing to raise test scores, create more faculty/staff stability, and enhance the school’s reputation.

From the feature: “Saving DRS:”

An element of improvement has come from FAMU president James
Ammons’ renewed interest in connecting the school's main campus to that of the adjoining highs school.

"I think the main thing we need is to generate so academic excitement by putting in place courses and programs that will attract high achieving students to the school," Ammons said in an interview held in September. "We are making sure that we integrate FAMU DRS into the college of education."

[A] state audit also noted a "lack of support from the University." Ammons said the school will develop a partnership with DRS and the School of Education in the near future.

"We realize the mission to a developmental research school," Ammons said. "The faculty and students from the college of education will avail themselves to research opportunities at DRS. We are trying to improve ways that we teach the children. That research can be conducted right at the lab school."

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  1. Wow. I didn't know that the FAMUan had "investigative reporters." You learn something new everyday.

  2. New school, university support, parents, staff, administration and students...I predict success given time.

    Get behind the High

  3. "Get behind the High!"

    I like that motto!

  4. I'm behind the High!

  5. Plenty folks will take "the High" out of context. I like it, but it can send a bad message, especially with high school folks (no pun intended).

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