Help the 100rd get to Washington

da rattler
You can help the Marching 100 get to Washington by making a $25, $50, $100, $500, $1,000 or gift at any other level online at the FAMU website. This is a secure online donation through the FAMU Foundation. Log online now and give by clicking here

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  1. How much do they need to raise?

  2. According to the Tallahassee Democrat, the band needs to raise between 90K and 100K for three days of lodging.

  3. I wish the government would pay for them to come, but I guess this recession has everyone strapped for cash. I will give what i can.

  4. I called ther FAMU Foundation today and they are in the process of setting up a specific fund to receive such donations. I would wait a few days just to verify it is set up before making a general donation to the foundation.

  5. The presence of the band should certainly enhance the presence of the university. Good things are happening at FAMU, and even greater things are in our future. While we still have quite a few kinks to get out in all areas, we've come so far in such a short period -- that dark period when FG and CVB were at the helm. I'm proud to teach there.

  6. 6:21, We are happy that you are a techer at FAMU. Thank you for all that you have done for our college children (including my two).

  7. Is there a FAMU agenda while in town? Will there be a gala or meeting. A fundriser of any sort. Will we be recruiting? I'm excited.

  8. off topic.

  9. The band also needs to pay all their current and pass due bills.

  10. ^^^^^8:29, Get a Life!!!!

  11. What are there current and past do bills since u know so much? Spill it!!!!

    Let's see if this valid or u just running off at the mouth.

  12. The band owes a number of university departments and also local vendors. Dr. White is aware of the bills he owes.

  13. 8:29am...don't come up in here trying to rain on this parade. Start your own damn topic about the 100's past due bills somewhere else.

    I echo 7:37p's sentiments. Thank you 6:21p

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