The incident left a FAMU football player, and as many as two other people, injured after the FAMU v. Delaware State football game.
Ross said the arrest was made possible because of witness cooperation and help from the Tallahassee Police Department. He said the investigation is continuing and more arrests are possible.
Florida A&M University football fans shouldn’t be afraid to come to home games, said Ross. “People should be alert but certainly not fearful to the point that they avoid games.” “This is at best isolated. The involved parties had no affiliation with FAMU except for the victims.”
A stray bullet shattered a bone in the wrist of Rattler running back Lonvontae Page, said head football coach Joe Taylor. Page was released from Tallahassee Memorial Hospital on this afternoon but is expected to have surgery Wednesday.
The injury will keep him out all season, Taylor said. Page, a sophomore, started at running back Saturday night and had 20 carries for 61 yards against Delaware State. He also scored a touchdown. FAMU won 21-12.
Meanwhile, members of the FAMU community expressed shock and sadness over the shooting, which happened about 10:10 p.m., more than an hour after the game.
Hopefully someone will put this no good 17 year old hood skunk out of his misery. He has absolutely nothing positive to contribute to society, he's a waste so he should be executed immediately.
ReplyDeletePLEASE PLEASE PLEASE....You sound like a white person posting on the Tallahassee Democrat. And that is extremly sad! This young man needs help not jail/prison. Had all the phony Black leadership who spends all there time tryin to be whiter than the white man, were actually being involved with our children then he would not have been shooting at all......
These young cowards have to grow up. PERIOD!!! I don't think the 17 year old should be executed, before life without parole would be fine. These young cowards have no regard for anybody's life. Page had an outstanding game and a promising year to be taken away by this young azz coward!!
ReplyDeleteI just take the Lord none of the innocent victims were seriously injured.
I agree with u 3:15am except with the part about life in prison....What is wrong with us as a people that we can thank the Lord that none of the innocent victims were seriously injured and then say that we think that it is okay to send a 17 yr old child to prison for the rest of his life?
ReplyDeleteThe football coach said the shooter was just a "poor decision maker." We should give this young man a good paddling and report him to his mother, if she can be located. That will fix his wagon.
ReplyDeleteThis little MF needs to be executed right now. His parents should have helped him, just like my wife and I helped our kids. You can't blame others for this low life thug's behavior. I feel really bad for the Page Family, but I absolutely think this 17 year old maggot should be executed without any delay.
ReplyDeleteAnd I'm not white. I'm blacker than the next person. It's time to eliminate these human hyenas before they eliminate us. Get rid of them NOW!!
12:59 AM, Why are you so quick to excuse this type of behavior or blame the white man for your dysfunction? I'm black as they come, but you can't ignore the fact that our black community is out of control. This young punk should be held accountable for the horrible crime that he committee. You can't expect "Black Leadership" to raise these little out of control punks. These thugs need to be held accountable and I'd like to see the day return when white law enforcement put the fear of God in these low lifers. His parents should have raised his little a$$ right. I've had enough and I think it's past time that we declare war against these BLACK monsters. Death to these terrorist.
ReplyDeletehello "9/07/2009 9:48 AM", very easy. The Lord said, "you reap what you sow." So, if you shoot somebody, then you go to jail! Personally, i just hope it's forever.
ReplyDeleteI'm tired of making excuses for these clowns. All we are doing is wasting our time on these fools. There are a TON of other brothers & sisters out there who want and need our help!! I say focus on them and let the LORD & COURTS deal with the rest!
Happy Labor day!! :)
11:41. you believe the shooter needs "help" not prison or jail. What kind of "help" does he need? If you can identify the specific type of "help" that would make him a responsible, contributing member of society perhaps other poster could agree with you.
ReplyDeleteCan you explain why you hold "phony Black leaders" responsible for this person's behavior? Why aren't the parents/family the ones you hold responsible.
Do you hold "white leaders" responsible when White teens do stupid things?
If you would reply, I would be very appreciative.
WTF was he doing over at Gibbs Hall in an arguement in the first damn place.
ReplyDeleteHe doesn't attend FAMU and he had no real business being up in a dorm area.
The thing is that carrying a loaded gun on a college campus for wanna be fake ass thugs is the norm rather that the exception and it should bother everyone of us because do you now think our campus is more safe or less safe
Never in my life! All of you are damn fools!!!2:23pm /3:38pm/5:21/7:30!!!!!! You N***ers sound worst than white people because you are not. You are BLACK!! This child was BLACK and he needs help! The white man prison aint never saved yall Black as*es before from nothing so why in the he** are you so ready to send this child to prison! There is an old African Proverb that says it takes a village to raise a child. So 2:23pm I am glad you and your wife raised your children, but if you think you did it alone you are a COMPLETE FOOL! My parents, both father and mother, raised me, but you better believe that I am so greatful for all the others who acted as a village and helped make me the MAN that I am today!
ReplyDeleteSo, I do the same everyday and I dont get paid one damn dime for my time and while I am working my azz off to make a difference I have to hear DUMB AZZ NI**ERS like you and the other posters who do NOTHING but talk about the Blacks that have been left behind!
I pray that we as a people get it together!
Hello "9/07/2009 11:33 PM", Sorry, but the "village" missed this brother. I will help him after he serves his life sentence. I'm 40 years old and i have been hearing the same tune you are preaching for years. Sorry, I'm done! I love being a Black Man, and PROUD of it, but i'm not going to keep defending these sorry ass Ni&&ERS!!!! Let those sorry aZZholes shot your sorry aZZ while minding your own busy. Then let me hear your tone.
ReplyDeleteIn the deepest darkest hour there is still hope, for Leaders,and for the Faithful, you sir 12:20am are neither...
ReplyDeleteYo "9/08/2009 12:29 AM", i think you need to read this - http://rattlernews.tallahassee.com/article/20090907/FAMU03/909070315/Updated++FAMU+running+back+Page++mother+recount+details+of+shooting+
ReplyDeleteObviously, you can't relate!
Like Chris Rock said, Black people can't have nothing, without some n*ggas showing up.
ReplyDeleteAnd a shooting at a football game not only affects the folks that got shot, but we're looking at possible dropoffs in attendance, less revenue, and maybe some current and potential sponsors holding back.
We say that FAMU's campus is in just as much of the hood as FSU's and there's nothing to fear, but when the thugs seem to like to hang out at our campus and shoot up our events, it makes the whole school look hell.
I imagine if 10-20-Life is still in affect, this chump will not be letting shots off at FAMU games for a long time anyway. You guys can council him and talk to him all you want from the other side of the glass.
11:33, I see that you are yelling, but you did not answer the question. what kind of "help" does the shooter need? Your Yelling is pointless if you cannot answer the basic question, "what kind of Help does the shooter need?"
ReplyDelete12:57 the shooter needs to be evaluated and then a professional determination can be made from there. I know I do it, but it is funny the majority of the kids that the Judge sends me are WHITE! I have had to go to court,where these Black children are with some fake Public Pretender and no parents of any kind and say I can help. Jail/Prison WILL NOT help I can assure of that. And, so the question then becomes why are you so driven to make this about me, when in fact it is about OUR children as a whole? This child and he is a child can be changed. Or can change only come for those who sit in chruch and talk/"pray" all day on Sunday and do nothing Monday-Saturday? Its okay I will continue to do my part and you continue to do nothing, just make sure you do your nothing out of my way.
ReplyDelete5:03 PM, Do us all a favor and push this little 17 year old ghetto rat in front of a freight train. The Black Community is in chaos because of thugs and thug sympathizers. Had this been a white person that shot these people, all hell would have broken loose. Have you noticed how quiet our black ministers are since this happened? I refuse to accept this type of behavior. This thug should be held accountable for his actions and punished severely. I personally would like to see him go before a firing squad.
ReplyDelete7:12 How bout you go stand in front of a frieght train. You are a lot older than 17 and have proven to be utterly worthless, as demonstrated by your post. Now, I will agree with you when you are right so, please, by all means take the good ministers with you.
ReplyDeleteQuote: the shooter needs to be evaluated and then a professional determination can be made from there.
ReplyDeleteWell professional law enforcement officers have evaluated the shooter and determined that he needs to be locked up. Again, you're babbling.
Which "professionals" need to evaluate the shooter? Professional photographers? choreographers? cartographers?
You still haven't answered the question. If locking the shooter up is unnecessary, what is the option? What do you have to offer as a solution?
Please withhold your righteous indignation and offer concrete suggestions.