Meek aiming to get Obama at future campaign events

big rattler
The national Democratic establishment is closing ranks around FAMU alumnus Kendrick Meek’s candidacy for the U.S. Senate. His list of supporters now looks like a “Who’s Who” of Democratic Party heavyweights.

Meek’s latest U.S. Senate campaign fundraiser was headlined by Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, Florida senior U.S. Sen. Bill Nelson, and former President Bill Clinton (who made his fourth campaign appearance for Meek).

The Miami congressman is also claiming White House support for his candidacy. He says he’s “in discussions” with White House officials about having President Barack Obama take on a more formal role in support of the campaign.

“I'm pleased with what Obama has done with me early on,” Meek said. “[The White House] sees the seriousness of our campaign.”

Meek has raised over $750,000 this quarter and started the fall with about $2.7M.

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  1. If the Demos are going to have a chance at getting anything through the Senate, they need as many Demos as they can get. They're gonna throw the kitchen sink at Florida.

    The GOP is so upset (for a number of reasons) with Obama it has reached hysterical levels. I've got highly educated men and women at my job talking about stuff like "Anti-Christ" and "Nazi". Unbelievable.

  2. Really. Florida has a chance to break her chains, ya know. Good point 9:43am.

  3. Rubio cuts Crist lead in half !! Charlie is wilting before our very eyes!

  4. Charlie has a LOT of trick of his sleeve. It seems to work for him. I'm looking for a defeat for Charlie to Meek as a "Swan Song" campaign. And a retirement from gov.

  5. Why would he want to be seen with Obama in Florida (I guess he is coming this weekend?)?

    Obama is polling terribly with the elderly right now.

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