FAMU BOT lacks creative vision for revenue

big rattler
1 minute read
Despite the ongoing budget crisis, FAMU’s Board of Trustees has failed to entertain at all the creative money-making approaches being used by other public universities. The BOT continues to discuss options such as furloughs and layoffs but has yet to consider a revenue option recently implemented by Florida State University’s board.

In 2008, FSU trustees approved a 50 percent reduction in fees for certain out-of-state students. That lowered the cost of annual full-time (30 credit hour) enrollment from $18,000 to $12,000 for those students.

The total fee waiver amounts to $999,661. The fee break will help FSU enroll a larger number of out-of-state students and help its current out-of-state students buy more credit hours. By the end of the 2009-2010 year, FSU officials expect to create 109 additional out-of-state full-time equivalents (units of 15 credit hours). That will bring in $1,999,322 in new tuition revenue (click on the picture for a larger view of the numbers).

An out-state-fee reduction could bring in new revenue at FAMU, as well. FAMU’s housing shortage makes college very expensive for the student body. Most students come from families that make $30,000 or less per year. But FAMU trustees simply ignore that fact and continue to approve big tuition and fee hikes that students can’t afford. That has led FAMU students to simply take smaller course loads, which hurts tuition revenue.

The most recent data from the State University System’s online fact books shows that FAMU granted the second-lowest amount of fee waivers in 2005-2006. Only New College of Florida, a school with less than 1,000 students, gave fewer fee waivers than FAMU.

The lack of a creative revenue vision on FAMU’s BOT is making the bad budget situation worse. FAMU deserves trustees who will consider every single option to create money and save university jobs.

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  1. Until we have a change in the membership of our Board we will continue to struggle with a lack of vission and direction in many areas of the University.


  3. Its not the Boards responsibility to come up with these "creative" solutions! Its the Presidents job when he develops the budget and presents it to the BOT. SO why don't we pose that question to Dr. Ammons? The board is his rubber stamp anyway...

  4. This isn't consistent.

  5. Here we go. might as well blame Haiti too.

  6. WOW? RN with a story that goes against the PR machine at FAMU? Do a story on the mens basketball coach next! Do a story on DRS!! DO a story on the search for the next AD!!!

  7. Bring back the RN that SAVED FAMU!!!

  8. Now, that is what they make decisions around. Be creative about that! Careful, you're gonna need a "valid" license for that creativity...It takes a movement and Florida should be tired of ti. I want anyone coming to Florida to know that they are gonna see ane experience great institutions and a good whippin' in any competition. They act like we are the foe. Hmm.

  9. 11:20, you're right on! Bring back the RN that SAVED FAMU!!! Do a story on the mens basketball coach next! Do a story on DRS!! DO a story on the search for the next AD!!! **Give us the inner stuff not the dixiecRat stuff.

  10. Very true! But the key is that we are losing, or not getting the opportunity to reach "Legacy" students and schools too. Trust me I feel you but the outcomes I'm witnessing in Florida especially with the S. Florida area prove that Florida students and student athletes are a commodity. They come back home in droves, from far flung places, virtually hiding from the community because we've lauded them for leaving Florida -just for the sake, for "going BIG TIME(whatever that means or may be worth)." Apparently not much. I've seen SO many mismatches and if we're honest, we know its serious. They come back, especially our young men, disoriented and feeling used. A small group will do the commuter campus shuffle, but most never get that second look at breaking the chains. I'm tellin' what I see. Perhaps this is a plea for activism Rattlers.

    1/26/2010 1:16 PM

  11. Someone needs to get down here in S. Florida(and in our other strongholds) and beat back the trend of counselors and staffers sending students in another direction due to their personal hang-ups. It was a problem 15 years ago, now it's so bad that the Alumni need a substantial ground unit of representatives and recruiters to stand a chance. These students and parents have BEEN THE TARGETS OF THE "COMMUTER SCHOOLS" turned traditional(As we destroy our established traditional campuses). I meet far too many students with the same story of being led elsewhere just out of spite or counselors having no information or connection with FAMU. The Guard is here but only a few are visible. The young ones all flocked to ATL. We need them here and active.

  12. Yes FAMU lacks vision. About three years ago during the NAA Meeting, an alumnus presented an idea similar to FSU that was borrowed from Jackson State. The concept was that out-of-state FAMU alumni children could go to FAMU for a fee lower than Florida out-of-state tuition. Depending on the alumnus's affiliation with the alumni association determines the amount of discount in tuition. For instance a NAA Life Member their child might pay 50% of the out-of-state tuition. A regular NAA member may pay 75%. The beauty of this arrangement is that alumni who are currently sending their children to schools in their home state might now be motivated to send their child to FAMU because the difference in cost has been lowered. The university benefits by getting a student who hopefully comes from a family that 1) may not require financial air, 2) can emotionally support their child through college because they went to school and they know the ropes. It was a win-win. What happened? Nothing.

    There is an expression, " if you keep doing the same thing, you get the same results" As long as we continue to recycle people, employ friends and relatives who think like we do, the univerdity will nenver reach the heights that it could with creative visionary leadership.

    It is not just the Board. Its the President who hires the same old tired people. Its they system that does not reward innovation. All of those people with big fat salaries should have their salaries cut in half and be made to earn the rest through incentives.

    The new president of FSU has been charged to raise $1 billion dollars. For every year of his 5 year plan that he reaches his fiunancial goal, he will be rewarded. If we did that at FAMU, we could save alot of money on salaries and/.or get rid of the fat cats.

    Perfect example---FAMU is proposing a $150M gioal. Howard University raised $250M 5-6 years ago. Under Dr. Gainous administration he was proposing that FAMU raise $251M. We have rolled our aspirations back $100M dollars? Come on people!!!

    We have people who have no intention of stretching themselves to do some real work. Let's have a stretch goal rather than something that is easily obtainable. We should be able to at least raise 1/4 of what FSU is trying to raise.

  13. 5:29 PM, Why in the hell are you so worried about what FSU is doing. By no means should FAMU use FSU as a model for ANYTHING! We have very capable people on campus who know how to raise funds as oppose to steal them.

  14. 6:56 if I may, FSU used our School of Nursing as a MODELED to start their School of Nursing, FSU used our securing an Engineering School to become a part of it, FSU MODELED there School of Med. on our College of Pharmacy. In addition, USF MODELED our School of Architecture, and are currently doing the same to start a School of Pharmacy. I could go on, but I will not the point has been made. When someone and that includes FSU does something RIGHT then it would be foolish not to MODEL it and improve upon it in your own way to make it unique

  15. I love FAMU with my TIME and my MONEY, yet so many students hate the experience that they are having that they are saying it more and more. The joy over not having idiots like Castell running the place is quickly fading once the realization sets in that the smoke and mirrors can’t work forever.

  16. 7:54, go sit! Keep on Pushin'.If the ideas stall, bring them back up. Remember, "Don't Quit?"

  17. Let's us deal with reality. Castell had her issues, however the new administration that was expected is not the one in place now. Salaries hikes only for his administrators, their sisters, their boyfriends, girlfriends and their families who have no ties to the university. Expect no loyalty. We should be asking that all top administrators salaries be posted, along with their duties. I would bet my paycheck you will be suprised. One household over $250,000. Let's put things in their proper perspective. When is enough, enough at FAMU. Remember what you try to do in the dark will always be exposed and you cannot blame anyone but yourself.
    Potential layoffs, while others are receivng high salareies, and raises. Don't ask me for another penny to support until you get HOUSe in order.

  18. Kudos and Ditto to Posters:
    11:21 a.m.
    11:51 a.m.
    5:29 p.m. (major kudos)
    7:52 p.m.
    7:54 p.m.
    7:54 a.m. (DITTO!)

    You all have expressed the sentiments of myself and so many of my former FAMU classmates!
    Most of us want to contribute to a FAMU that we can believe in and be proud of - currently we are far from that!

    The ridiculous stories like the recent TD article on FAMU's "Moneymaker" was insulting at least - followed by all of the fake "glorifying" comments that I'm sure were all made by the "Moneymaker" herself.

    RN - you can be a force for Positive change by launching the type of media campaign waged by the former RN blogger! Please step up - it will take work but ALL good things do. You will be proud of yourself in the end.

  19. How many of you MFs want some $30,000.00 salaried employees running FAMU? You get what you pay for. The last I checked, FAMU was reaccredited, undergoing major capital projects renovations, had clean audits, etc. What more do you blood sucking self hating negroes want? Stop making excuses for not donating to FAMU. You don't donate to the university because you ain't worth a damn.

  20. How many of you MFs want some $30,000.00 salaried employees running FAMU?

    I know that's right. We brought Ammons in and told him to build a team that could save the law school, pharmacy school, and entire university from accreditation disaster. But then we only want those people to be paid peanuts.

    A reasonable out-of-state student fee waiver, like FSU's board passed, is something that FAMU should have implemented YESTERDAY! Let's starting emailing BOT members and tell them to get on it.

    FAMU needs serious $$$ to save jobs right now. Let's get on our BOT to pass this policy and create some of that much-needed money.

  21. If these people who are making high salaries are so good at what they do then incentivize them with bonuses that could exceed what they currently make on salary. I bet none of them will take the bait because they know they can't do it.

    I challenge our VP and her staff to try getting rewarded for new dollars raised. The VP is claiming success for raising money for the band to go to the inauguration. How many times has there been a csll to raise dollars for the band to go to Paris, to other Super Bowls, for new uniforms, for instruments. Carla Willis did nothing new. The university would have raised the money for the band to go to DC with or without her. The article talked about her raising millions, but the examples given total $180,000. Normally you would include your most successful fundraisers or examples of your ability. $180,000 is the best examples of the millions of dollars raised? Don't believe the hype. The wmoan and her staff is incompetent. Get rid of her...

  22. 12:58, you work so hard. Put it to good use.

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