Big artists on line-up for Haiti benefit concert

big rattler
2 minute read
Grammy award-winning rapper Common (pictured with girlfriend Serena Williams) will be back on The Hill for a special fundraiser to help the Republic of Haiti.

The FAMU 39th Student Senate will host a Haiti Relief Benefit Concert featuring three of this generation’s hottest performers Thursday, April 15, at 7 p.m. in the Lawson Center.

In addition to Common, who is a former FAMU student, there will be performances by singer Trey Songz and rapper Fabolous.

“It should be a good one,” said Saundra Inge, director of student activities. “We wanted to do something very big to help.”

Proceeds from the event will go toward FAMU's Haiti Relief Effort.

FAMU has been very active with its role in helping the victims of Haiti following the catastrophic earthquake, which occurred on January 12, 2010.

Subsequently, the university launched a mobile campaign and collected clothing, food, hygiene products and medical supplies to donate.

“We've also set up a resource center for our students from Haiti, so if they need items that we have collected, they can get them,” said Inge.

FAMU is also sponsoring an essay contest open to all high school students in the Big Bend area. Three winners will be selected to receive two VIP passes to the benefit concert and have a meet-and-greet with Trey Songz, Common and Fabolous.

“Many people use music as their outlet of expression,” said Tyler Cheatham, CEO of the District 7 Production Group and promoter for the concert. “The contest will introduce local students to the positive side of the music industry and allow them the opportunity to speak one-on-one with artists in the industry.”

Tickets are $25 for FAMU, Florida State University and Tallahassee Community College students, and $33 for non-students and the general public. Tickets can be purchased at the Lawson Center from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday or online at

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  1. Maybe this will make up for that Homecoming Concert fiasco!

  2. Wouldn't have been better if the students would have just donated this $80k-$120,000 that they are spending on this risky concert directly to the Haiti relief fund?

    In my mind, that would have made far more sense. What if this looses money, how much will be donated?
    Sounds more like the kids just want to party in the name of Haiti.

  3. Negative 10:00 a.m...look at the positives...yeah your going to get 17-21 years old on Famus campus to donate 80-120k...just nuts

  4. 2:08,

    you've missed the point entirely. the famu student senate budgeted $80-120k to spend on booking the talent and promote this concert. if they were serious about Haiti relief wouldn't that money have been better spent by donating directly to the relief effort?

  5. Nope. They are providing a service to the Students. It can't be said that they are not serious b/c they didn't do what you think should have been done.

  6. 4:09, we don't even know enough for you to jump to conclusions. maybe this is where the"community" comes together for a cause. Put your money and body where your mouth is. Besides, this is a much mmore POSITIVE set of artists. You don't get much better than Common.


    The promoter, Tyler Cheatham of District 7 Promotion group initially asked for %0 profit. Now he has uped it to %18.5. The senate allocated 120,000 for this concert that 10 per student. THe promoter is asking for a 28k break even. Their arms were twisted to sign the contract. This sucks for the Haiti people and Tyler is a sham. He showed up to the senate meeting talking on his cell phone and with a company t-shirt.

    Meeting in BLPerry 200, for boycott of this catastrophe. Monday @ 9pm.

  8. 2:01,

    While we may disagree with how the concert and how its being handled, a boycott of the event won't help the people of Haiti one bit. This concert needs to be successful to help.

    I tend to agree with the previous poster, the $120k allocated to put on a concert would have been better being donated to the Haitian Relief effort.

  9. WOW......Let me first say, I believe helping Haiti is the right thing to do. What amazes me is, YET AGAIN, FAMU puts trust in these "promoters" to pull off successful events on campus. When will the university STOP letting these first-time promoters use the institution as it's guinea pig???? If you go to this so called District 7 Production Group website ( you can see they are amateurs at best. They launched on 3/19/2010 and announced the concert on 3/22/2010??????

    Really FAMU?

    I guess, all I have to do is make a flyer (and/or t-shirt),a website (real quick), say i'm a promoter (with no verifiable resume) and get this university to fork over all the operational costs for a concert and then demand a profit from it after the fact. I honestly can't knock these wannabe promoters hustle, I knock FAMU for continuing to allow itself to get hustled.

    I think this is yet again a recipe for disaster. Do we remember the homecoming concert? Do we remember that farse of a Hip Hop Idol Concert (Didn't they say they would be back this spring...LOL????)? What do both of those events have in common with this one......non-professional people trying to pull off a professional event a.k.a. wannabe promoters acting as if they are real promoters.

    In all sincerity I HOPE that this isn't strike three for the university in trying to pull off concerts. I hope for the sake of Haiti. It just seems that FAMU needs to set higher standards in who they accecpt as "promoters" and who they don't. I can't find any legitimacy for this new District 7 company in the state of legal structure, incorporation, sunBiz...nothing.

    But then again.....with who's running Student Activities these doesn't suprise me. Maybe one day the university will get someone younger and relatable to today's university student that what we have now. At the very least can we get someone that knows how to effectively run events and are adept at dealing with entertainment business. After all.....aren't most "activities" .....entertaining? But again, I truly hope this is not reminiscent of what has happened in FAMU's recent past. I hope it is an example of how we find success in the future. Just me ranting.

  10. ^^^^^^

    BTW.....they don't have an active CONTACT page.....this is just hilarious!!!!!!!

  11. This is the best concert to touch FAMU in while. We cant just allocate money to a charity. It is better to get a service that can possible raise funds for Haiti. How is the promoter a shame? The school has contracts for each artist. Last summer the same promoter did Hezekiah Walker concert and did the last concert to bring money in 2007. I think that would suffice for a resume. I not surprise that people are complaining because nothing is never good enough for them. For the people setting up a meeting to boycott, Be sure to set up a meeting to to compensate the help this will provide for Haiti. Is crazy how no one showed to help packed clothing food and water for relief victims. While we are at it...lets boycott the gym for charging, FAMU PD, the sound company, the people who print flyers, the artist who are coming because they charged too.

  12. Why are we hating on the concert when no one else has done anything to earn money on campus. FAMU has the biggest haitian student population in tallahassee. I heard you cant just donate student money. This was a good idea to give a service.

  13. What the hell my boo common and trey are coming.....IM THEREEEE

  14. I think yall are still upset from what happened at the Homecoming Concert. The Concert is for a good cause and if you boycott the concert it's Boycotting the Haiti Relief efforts. Do you really want to do that? Yeah he is getting a percentage but does any body really do work for free? Hellllll Noooo!!!! If the concert makes 100,000 dollars that over 80,000 dollars. I think that is good.

    This Line Up is the Best I have seen in a while. You have the Trey Songz, the number 1 R&B artist out right now. Common a Grammy Award Winner and former student at Famu!!!! And Fabolous in my opinion one of the best rappers in the game.

    If you really mad go to the dumb Senators that gave them the money and complain. they are the ones that gave them the money. Dont be mad at the promoter, get mad at the dumb people yall elected. Yall should have done this research before yall pick these people. Fool me once shame on you, Fool me twice SHAME ON YOU!!! Dumbies.

  15. This is Andy St. Hilaire, people are missing the point. The concern for the haitian victims have died down. People were only concern because it was the thing to do. No one wants to feel sorry for someone forever, so why not get a good service and benefit a good cause at the same time. The senate would not have just donated money to relief effort. We complain good artist don't come to campus, now that we do have good artist no one is satisfied. If you don't like the concert don't come. I just want to know what are we are going to do to help Haiti. I on the committee and no one has approach the committee members to help. Everyone concern is this concert. No one even ask where the money is going. Your concern is in the wrong place. We ask for students to suggest different organizations and no response. But for some strange reason we are getting a lot of people to help with the concert.

  16. @2:08p you somebody has to always put a negative spin on everything.

    @4:09p I don't think there was a point made to understand.

  17. 4:24,

    The Hezekiah Walker concert was an utter failure even after two for one last minute deals.


  18. I went to the meeting and no one showed up!!

    Yall talk like yall wanna do something but no one came...

    Yall just shut the hell up because I see a bunch of talk with no action. Dumbies like I said earlier...

  19. Heziakiah Walker had more ppl than the Wale concert and the Wale thing was free, it also had about the same of ppl as the homecoming concert. So if Heziahiak walker fail then these other events failed too. The only difference is that the homecoming concert and the Wale event used school/students money. The gospel concert money was fronted by him. No lost to school/students money.

    You might as well complain about the Chrisete Michelle thing to. The senate gave 40,000 and yall gone put her in the band room? That room barely holds the marching 100. We should Sham Keyante Key for this event and the Wale one too!! She doesn't have any website nor promotion company, but we gave her money to do a concert in the band room. Why don't we question her?

    How much was Chrisete Michelle? She shouldn't be over 20,000. How much was the band room? FREE. What is the total for the other panelists coming? No more than 10,000. What is the other money for? Her pockets for all the work she did.
    We should Sham Keyante Key too!!!

    If you ask me this Sham promoter is and has been bringing some good QUALITY performers to the school. If it was up to me I'll let him sham the school with concerts. He brings good artist.

  20. what is the essay question anyway?

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