FAMU Competing for Home Depot HBCU Grants

big rattler
FAMU needs your vote as it competes against other Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) to win $150,000 in campus improvement grants from The Home Depot. One $50,000 major grant and ten $10,000 minor grants will be awarded.

FAMU made the first cut in the “Retool Your School” competition. Proposals must be for initiatives that make “lasting positive transformations that are visible” on campus.

For the major projects grant, FAMU is proposing to remodel the old TV Room in the Student Union Building, converting it into an environmentally friendly oasis where students can socialize, have a healthy snacks, fill up their water bottles with free purified water, and watch television. The project must be completed during summer 2010.

“Our campus improvement proposal should save FAMU money by making the space more energy efficient,” said Ryan Mitchell, senior environmental specialist in the FAMU Department of Environmental Health and Safety. “We propose installing motion-controlled LED lighting, adding fresh plants, repainting the walls to eliminate harmful chemicals, and installing a indoor waterfall that also works as a humidifier.”

For the $10,000 grant, the planning team is proposing to install cisterns for catching rainwater off campus buildings and diverting it to water the grounds near the women’s dormitories. The project must be completed fall semester 2010.

To win either the $50,000 or one of the $10,000 grants, FAMU must receive more online votes than any other school in the competition. The winning team must also receive the votes of a separate panel of judges, who will determine whether the proposal is doable, transformative and environmentally friendly.

Online voting is now open and ends Saturday, May 15, at 11:59 p.m. Each individual may vote once each day until the deadline. To vote for FAMU’s grant proposals, click here

You can also sign up to receive updates on the status of the competition and purchase special “Retool Your School” commemorative gift cards that feature inspirational moments on HBCU campuses. The Home Depot will make a donation equivalent to 5 percent of the value put on the card to the program, up to $150,000.

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  1. Very good student representation.

  2. I agree. I've gotten these emails but I haven't voted. Can someone give the link to vote.

  3. Thanks Rattlers for voting, here's the link:


    The article does provide a way to access the link too, see below were it states CLICK HERE.

    Online voting is now open and ends Saturday, May 15, at 11:59 p.m. Each individual may vote once each day until the deadline. To vote for FAMU’s grant proposals, click here

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