Students blast trustees for playing dirty with DRS

big rattler
A growing number of FAMU students are upset about the dirty Board of Trustees politics that are placing the Developmental Research School's future in jeopardy. Some are voicing their disappointment in the campus newspaper.

In a FAMUan column entitled “Accountability dead at DRS,” staff editor Brian Wiggins observed that: “Many are questioning whether the FAMU Board of Trustees actually cares about the academic welfare of the school or their own status and position.”

Wiggins further explained: “Under the supervision of Superintendent Ronald Holmes, whose brother is FAMU trustee R.B Holmes, Jr., the school has dropped from a ‘C’ to ‘D’ grade on the Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test last year. Enrollment has only reached 544 students as opposed to the projected 600 for the new facility.”

As Rattler Nation reported, many FAMUans suspect that R.B. Holmes played a big role in getting his brother hired. There was no doubt that as one of the seven critical votes that James Ammons needed to become FAMU’s president, Holmes had the power to twist Ammons’ arm and make personal demands during the selection process.

Ever since R.B. Holmes threw his support behind Bill Jennings’ 2009 reelection bid for the BOT chairmanship, word has spread on campus that there’s an understanding that Holmes’ brother will not be summoned before the BOT to answer tough questions about the increasingly bad situation at DRS.

“Under-the-table politics are believed to have played a role in the school’s fall from grace,” Wiggins said.

FAMUan staff editor Samara Ferraz agreed in her column entitled "DRS Political Battle Affecting Children's Academic Progress," asking: “With speculations of nepotism and grimy politics, how will the [DRS] children withstand the bureaucratic turmoil?”

“A way to deal with this situation until the issues at FAMU DRS are resolved and a consensus is made between the school’s administration and the BOT, is for parents to encourage their children to keep striving to improve their grades and study habits,” Ferraz wrote.

She included words of encouragement for the students who are suffering under Ronald Holmes’ reign.

“It also important that the students are given consolation about how men when in power sometimes are egocentric and often oblivious to the fact they may hurt someone while on their power trip,” Ferraz said.

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  1. R.B needs to focus his attention on W.Tennessee St and not what's on Adams Street.

  2. Somebody needs to come to the Board of Trustees' meeting this week and raise some hell.

  3. I would love it if someone had some proof for what they are saying in this article, and not "word has spread" as some kind of proof point. If there were some underhanded dealings going on, why isn't there actual evidence and not just overt speculation?

  4. Amen Cedric. This is a croc I tell you.

  5. Very tabloidish and amateurish just like the FAMUan. RN you can do better than this.

  6. Yeah, R.B. Holmes had absolutely nothing to do with helping his brother get hired. His hands are completely clean.

    We don't have to have a signed confession from R.B. in order to see what's going on here. The underhanded dealings are as clear as day.

  7. Cedric is the new "GodBlessCastell."

  8. 2:39 AM and others,
    Why result to name calling simply because Cedric and a few expect some type of evidence to substantiate some of these claims. As readers, we should all expect that type of support. I know RN isn't a professional publication and probably doesn't have a staff, but I remember when the sponsors of the website would provide copies of documents from Lee Hall and other places to support the commentary. In fact, I would argue that the news that was generated here was much more valuable, timely, and credible than the Tallahassee Democrats' when reporting about Drs. Gainous's and C. Bryant's administrations.

    Just remembering the times.

  9. 9:51 you are 100% correct, but I am sure the Good Rev Doctor was not passing letters and emails concerning making sure his brother got the job. The sad part is that the article that was in the FAMUAN and the write ups on RN have missed the point because if you want "proof" then simply reserach what a DRS is. FAMU is not the only University in the state with a DRS. It is simply the only one in the state that does not know how to run one. Yet, this is how FAMU does things and they get away with it. Why? Because whites really dont give a damn and Blks take whatever their "leaders" tell them. I am proud to see after over 7yrs someone has the backbone to stand up to Holmes the "pastor". He is a fraud! Holmes the Superintendent got his PhD from FAMU College of Education and therefore knew nothing before he started the program and knew even less when he completed the program! (at his interview did not even know what he wrote his dissertation on!) Was never more than an Assistant Principal and has never conducted anytype of meaningful research!

  10. When RN warned that Challis Lowe was contacting trustees and asking them to support her effort to make Castell the permanent president, RN did not have a signed document. It did not have an actual quote from Lowe either.

    RN is not limited to written materials. It also uses confidential sources, as well.

  11. 12:38 PM,

    Your point is well taken. However, remember during those times RN would cite a confidential source, and a few days later things reported here would come to light.

    Unfortunately, we live in a instant gratification society that sometimes relies on the rumor mill to generate news. DRS has been discussed quite a few times on the RN. Maybe a little more support would help advance the discussion and generate more activism on its behalf.


    9:51 AM

  12. Is this the same Cedric who wrote a letter to the Tallahassee Democrat calling Castell the "clean up woman" even after it was obvious that she was destroying FAMU?

    If so then no one should be surprised that he's out here defending RB.

  13. However, remember during those times RN would cite a confidential source, and a few days later things reported here would come to light.

    Challis Lowe never publicly admitted that she was trying to get the BOT to make Castell a permanent president. RN's story led more FAMUans to put pressure on the trustees to complete the presidential search process. It helped FAMU avert a potential disaster from happening.

  14. 9:51, I'm remembering with you. Ican appreciate your voice on this. Sometimes I think people are sleepwalking. Hubba on everything you said.

  15. R.B is a crook on Tennessee Street as well as on Adams Street. He actually is running the HBCU into the ground.


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