For the past 20 years, Conliffe served at Broward Community College in supervisory positions including her latest position as the associate vice of Student Affairs and Financial Services. Prior to her tenure at the community college, Conliffe gained experience in higher education at Florida Atlantic University and Florida State University.
As the director of Financial Aid, Conliffe is charged with assisting the vice president for Student Affairs and Enrollment Management with the governess, structure, policy formation and implementation for the Division of Student Affairs. Conliffe also serves as the chief financial aid officer with a lead role in the administration, planning and management of financial aid, veterans and disability services programs.
“I could not be happier to be here at Florida A&M University,” Conliffe said. “Everybody here has welcomed me as an addition to the Rattler family. I can honestly say that this is one of the best decisions I have made. I am looking forward to helping the university take the Office of Financial Aid to the next level.”
Conliffe’s understanding of Student Financial Services, Veterans Affairs and Disability Services has gained her experience in managing a team of eight senior staff members and more than 40 individuals in daily operations by providing visionary leadership to develop complete cutting edge college-wide projects. Her responsibilities included overseeing administration and distribution of financial aid budget; serving as liaison to the Office of Information Systems Technology; preparing and monitoring administrative and operational budgets; maintaining policy and procedures manual for each department with emphasis on current practices and well-develop goals; and as designated college administrator for the receipt of federal, state institutional and private financial aid programs.
Conliffe obtained her bachelor’s of science in business administration and master’s in information studies with a concentration in information technology management from Florida State University.