This innovative textbook rental program will allow students to rent their textbooks for less than 50 percent of the cost of purchasing a new printed textbook. Plus, as an added convenience, students will be able to rent their books either in the store or from the store’s website at www.shopfamurattlers.com.
This decision to offer a textbook rental program was a joint decision made by FAMU and Barnes & Noble College Booksellers.
“We are committed to providing students with the widest range of content options and price points available,” said Brian Stark, vice president for Barnes & Noble College Booksellers. “Whether students are interested in new books, used, digital, unbundled or now rentals, they know they can find what they want at the FAMU bookstore.”
In fall 2010, more than 300 college and university bookstores began offering textbook rental programs through the campus bookstore.