“I am alarmed and deeply disappointed that Gov. Rick Scott is ignoring his pledge to promote Florida’s economy by proposing a five-percent tax on Florida Retirement System participants, including state workers who have not had a pay raise in the past five years.
“I am saddened that Gov. Scott somehow finds it justifiable to impose financial burdens on thousands of workers who implement and enforce the laws, programs and policies of our state.
“If carried out, I fear that the governor’s unnecessary proposal will have severe negative consequences on the morale of our public servants throughout Florida, and could have detrimental impacts on the economies of many communities, including the areas that I represent.
“I fail to see how the governor’s proposal concerning the Florida Retirement System can improve the economy. I predict his plan will stymie consumer spending and hurt our state’s economy.
“For the good of our citizens and Florida’s economy, I encourage the governor to promptly rethink his strategy. Now is not the time to balance a budget on the backs of Florida’s public servants.”