FAMU to host Cyber Crime Prevention forum

big rattler
Regarded as the “World’s No. 1 Hacker,” Gregory D. Evans will conduct a Cyber Crime Prevention Forum for the general public at FAMU on today, March 23 from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. in Perry-Paige Auditorium. Evans, who will also speak to students, is scheduled to discuss: identity theft, online predators and computer hacking.

Founder of LIGATT Security, Evans is currently on a college speaking tour around the nation. He has authored eight books on laptop security and spyware amongst other topics. He has also been a contributor to several magazines and televisions programs speaking on cyber crimes and security.

Evans was a hacker in the 1990s and broke into the systems of AT&T, MCI, and Sprint and served a 24-month sentence in federal prison and repaid nearly $10 million in damages. After his release, he became a Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH), and has taught several hi-tech crime continuing education courses with universities and government agencies. Evans is also credited with creating the first wireless tracking device for computers called the e-Snitch (electronic snitching device). The e-Snitch allows the user to track a stolen computer from anywhere in the world.

Evans has dedicated himself to giving back to the community with his campus college tours, youth program and various forums and seminars he presents on cyber crime.

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