Moran elected president of Tallahassee NAA chapter

big rattler
1 minute read
FAMU College of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences coordinator of advancement alumni affairs James Moran Jr. was recently elected to serve as the president of the FAMU Alumni Association Tallahassee Chapter until December 2012.

Moran’s qualifications and commitment exceeds expectations. He has supported the university for the past 26 years and has been a life member of the Alumni Association for more than 15 years. It was his aunts and uncles – FAMU alumni who strongly support the university – who instilled in him the importance of giving back.

“They have been life members since the 50s,” said Moran. “They raised my level of attention on how important it was for them to support the university. I want to emulate them.”

Moran’s objectives for his two-year term are to support the president in his mission, increase enrollment, provide scholarship dollars, create visibility and engage in community service in Leon, Gadsden and other surrounding counties.

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