"There is a considerable amount of pressure being
placed on the university and the trustees about the band being able to perform
in the fall," Lawson said. "But I think in the light of everything,
though the university is going to have to go in a new direction."
Lawson has enjoyed a close working relationship with the
FAMU president ever since he was appointed in 2007.
Ammons walked the halls of the Florida Legislature with
Lawson in order to successfully lobby for millions of construction dollars for
the school. The former state senator, now a Congressional candidate, joined a
protest student against Gov. Rick Scott's attempt to pressure Ammons to temporarily
step down back in December. Lawson stood by Ammons’ side when he met with Scott
the next day for a face-to-face discussion of the suspension request.
"I have asked the Internal Crisis Management Team to speak
with our supporters, such as faculty student leaders, the alumni, the boosters
and the Athletic Department, over the next two days to hear their input about
the conditions for bring the band back," Ammons wrote on May 8. "I will receive
a report summarizing this input at the conclusion of their meetings."
The university has already started considering alternate entertainment
options for next year’s halftime shows.
"We're going to make sure we stay in tune with what the
university's doing, but also have plan A, B and C just in case we have to use
those options," FAMU Athletic Director Derek Horne said in an article published
by Reuters.
In a statement released yesterday, Ammons also formally acknowledged the resignation of former Director of Bands Julian E. White.
“We wish him well in his retirement," Ammons said. "Given his position as department chair and director of bands, we must focus on moving forward with changes to the music department and the marching band."
In a statement released yesterday, Ammons also formally acknowledged the resignation of former Director of Bands Julian E. White.
“We wish him well in his retirement," Ammons said. "Given his position as department chair and director of bands, we must focus on moving forward with changes to the music department and the marching band."