Alumna awarded $10,000 scholarship from KPMG Foundation

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1 minute read
The KPMG Foundation has awarded Chevonne Herring, a FAMU graduate, a $10,000 KPMG Minority Accounting Doctoral Scholarship to pursue her doctorate at the University of Mississippi for the 2012-2013 academic year. The scholarship is renewable for up to five years.

Since 1994, the KPMG Foundation has awarded more than $10 million to 309 African-American, Hispanic-American and Native American scholars pursuing doctorate degrees, as part of its ongoing commitment to increase the representation of minority students and professors in business schools.  Today, 184 of those scholarship recipients have successfully completed their doctoral program and are professors at universities throughout the country. Furthermore, 74 minorities are currently enrolled in accounting doctoral programs, and will take a place at the front of the classroom over the next few years.

Before enrolling at the University of Mississippi, Herring earned her undergraduate degree from FAMU.  Bernard J. Milano, president of the KPMG Foundation, believes Herring “has demonstrated that dedication, hard work and ambition pay off. Like all our scholarship recipients she is a key to our country’s future and we look forward to following her success after graduation.”

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