H.T. Smith to keynote fall commencement

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1 minute read
Attorney H.T. Smith will deliver the keynote address for FAMU’s fall commencement ceremony.

Smith was born in Miami and educated in the city’s public school system. He is a proud graduate of FAMU, where he earned a Bachelor of Science Degree in Mathematics. Upon his graduation, he was commissioned an officer in the United States Army, where he served a tour of duty in the Vietnam War. He returned home to earn a Juris Doctorate degree from the University of Miami School of Law.

Beginning his legal career by blazing new trails, Smith became Miami-Dade County’s first African-American assistant public defender and then served as Miami-Dade County's first African-American assistant county attorney. For the past 34 years, he has practiced law in Miami, specializing in criminal defense, civil rights and personal injury.

Smith served as the founding President of the Black Lawyers Association of Miami-Dade County (now known as the Wilkie D. Ferguson, Jr. Bar Association), where he served four (4) terms as its President and President of the 20,000 member National Bar Association. He presently serves on the Executive Committee of the University of Miami Board of Trustees, and the Board of Directors of OUR KIDS, Inc. which provides support and services to all abused, abandoned and neglected children in Miami-Dade and Monroe counties.

In 2003, Smith was tapped to become the first Director of the Trial Advocacy Program at Florida International University College of Law. Under his leadership, the Trial Advocacy Program and the Mock Trial Team have gained statewide recognition as one of the best among Florida’s 10 law schools. In 2006, the student body honored Smith by presenting him the prestigious “Spirit Award” for his consistent commitment to excellence as a legal educator.

In addition to his many professional and community endeavors, Smith is the proud father of three daughters - Wyndi, Katrell and Talia.

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