FAMU renovating Pete Griffin track

big rattler
The FAMU Athletics Department recently announced its plans to resurface and upgrade the Robert "Pete" Griffin Track throughout the spring and summer semesters of 2013.

"On the heels of our winning both the men's and women's cross country MEAC championships this year, we want to continue to develop our track and field programs back to that level of excellence that we have traditionally enjoyed. Under legendary coaches Robert "Pete" Griffin and Bobby Lang, track and field brought historic moments to our university. We must continue to strategically upgrade every athletic facility in order to attract the best athletes and provide those athletes with the best possible facilities in which to compete," Athletic Director Derek Horne said.

Built in 1980, the eight-lane facility has served as host of the annual FAMU Relays since its construction. For several years, it was the host site for the MEAC Outdoor Track Championships. It also plays host to local and regional high school championships as well as intramural events. During the reconstruction of FSU's Mike Long Track, the FSU Dominos Relays was held on the Robert "Pete" Griffin track, including legendary Auburn multi-sport athlete Bo Jackson.

The modern track and field complex replaced the old clay track that used to reside at Bragg Memorial Stadium. The original track had its share of superstars though, as "the world's fastest human," Bob Hayes, used to scorch the lanes of Bragg Stadium. It was replaced because the clay surface would often rain out. When the stadium was renovated in 1980, the track was removed.

In addition to the all-weather Ruba-Turf running surface, the facility also features grandstands for up to 5,000 fans and participants, a fieldhouse/storage area with restrooms and upper level press box. The facility has pole vault pits as well as sun-sensor lighting for night use.

The FAMU Relays, which were held annually at the facility, will not take place this year. They will return after the track renovations are complete. Arrangements have been made for the FAMU men's and women's track teams to practice at local facilities.

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