FAMU suspends presidential search

big rattler
Today, FAMU announced the indefinite postponement of its presidential search. Rather than initiating a long transition and learning process for a new administration, the university will direct its full attention to correcting the issues that led its accrediting body to place it on probation.

Tampa Bay Times reporter Tia Mitchell noted that FAMU “is the second state university to abruptly end its presidential search this year. In January, University of Florida President Bernie Machen agreed to postpone his retirement at the behest of Gov. Rick Scott.”

Board of Trustees Chairman Solomon L. Badger, III released the following statement:

“I have decided today to temporarily suspend the search for a new FAMU President.

This is neither a commentary on the quality of candidates, nor a questioning of the search process. This is just a stark acknowledgment of the fact that FAMU’s accreditation is at risk, as it was placed on probation by SACS (Southern Association of Colleges and Schools-Commission on Colleges) in December.

We currently face a very tight timetable to prepare our detailed response to SACS, with key deadlines fast approaching. We have a highly-skilled team, led by Interim President Robinson, that is diligently working to prepare the report to SACS, due in August, and to ready FAMU for SACS’ on-site visit in September. It would be irresponsible to disrupt their work at this critical juncture.

It would also be eminently unfair to bring in a new President as FAMU’s accreditation hangs in the balance. I have full faith that Interim President Robinson and his team will succeed in their effort and want to make sure they face no distractions or disruptions.

I also want to thank the members of the search committee for their work so far and our many esteemed candidates for their interest. I hope they understand my decision and remain ready to resume the search process after the university has addressed these critical issues,” said Badger.

All presidential search committee meetings for next week have been canceled.

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