Florida budget gives FAMU some breathing room

big rattler
Senate President Don Gaetz and House Speaker Will Weatherford
On Friday, the Florida Legislature voted to send a $74.4 billion budget bill (SB 1500) to the governor’s desk. The legislation gives FAMU some breathing room after a harsh 12 months during the fiscal year ending (FYE) in 2013.

Last year, the legislature sliced $300M from the State University System of Florida (SUS).  It told public universities to use a portion of their reserves to fill the budget gap. Florida law requires public universities to keep a fund balance, or reserve, of no less than 5 percent.

Lawmakers gave the SUS an “IOU,” saying they intended to restore the money universities were forced to take out of their reserves in FYE 2013.

This year’s budget followed through in replenishing the recurring funds FAMU lost last year. FAMU received $82.7M in general revenue for FYE 2014.

FAMU ran on a $79.7M general revenue budget in 2010-2011 with $6M in nonrecurring dollars for “special outreach projects.” It ran on a $77.9M general revenue budget in 2011-2012 with $5M in nonrecurring dollars for “targeted student outreach.” FAMU only had $65.5M in general revenue for 2012-2013, with the university expected to make up the rest with its reserve funds.

2013-2014’s general revenue budget is the largest since the one the Florida Legislature approved in 2009. FAMU received $87,047,777 during the 2009 regular session, but lost $4,179,917 during the 2010 special session for a net of $82,867960.

FAMU also saw a bump in its education enhancement appropriation, which comes from lottery dollars. It is up by about $2M.

The budget also increases SUS tuition by three percent. The legislature estimates that FAMU will bring in $73M in tuition. But the tuition projection is inflated. Lawmakers assume that every student at every state university will take a full course load every semester, which isn’t realistic.

General Revenue $82,770,293
Education Enhancement $11,940,834
Tuition/Fees $73,003,785

General Revenue $65,584,450
Education Enhancement $9,917,968
Tuition/Fees $72,006,551

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