FAMU, FIU teams penalized by NCAA

big rattler
On Tuesday, the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) announced penalties against two  
schools in the State University System of Florida. FAMU and Florida International University (FIU) both received sanctions.

According to the Academic Progress Rate (APR) protocols established by the NCAA, FAMU’s volleyball team has fallen to Penalty Phase II status. FAMU men’s basketball and men’s indoor/outdoor track and field have been placed on Penalty Phase I status.

The penalties are based on a four-year average. Teams on Penalty Phase I status are required to reduce their practice time in order to allocate four additional hours to mandatory study hall, life skills classes and/or time management exercises. Penalty Phase II status means that a team must reduce its practice time and sit out of postseason play.

Due to the sanctions, FIU’s basketball team and FAMU’s volleyball team are ineligible for the championship crowns in their respective conferences during the 2013-2014 season. They are also blocked from the NCAA championship tournaments.

The Associated Press reported that “most of the penalized schools have significantly more limited resources than top NCAA programs, including 11 historically black schools.”

FAMU Athletics has adopted a six-part corrective action plan for addressing the deficiencies in APR:

1) Enhance the tutorial program by hiring staff with more specialized background in academically challenging subjects such as science and math;

2) Increase the frequency by which we receive academic progress reports. This will assist in identifying students who may have additional needs;

3) Expand the use of current academic playbook program. The program is designed to closely monitor those student athletes who are considered at-risk;

4) Conduct bi-weekly meetings with coaches and their at-risk student-athletes, along with FAMU Athletics’ academic and compliance staff. These meetings serve as a tool to monitor the progress of those identified student athletes;

5) Allow tutors to travel with teams to competitions that have student-athletes away from campus 48 hours or more; and

6) Incorporate an orientation program to assist transfer students with their transition to a university environment both academically and socially.

In September 2012, FAMU Athletics opened its Academic Center for Excellence (ACE), which is housed in the Gaither Athletic Complex, and consists of a computer lab, academic advisors and tutors.

Michael Smith, FAMU’s interim director of athletics, believes that the center is key to improving the academic success of athletes. Since opening, the center has contributed to the graduation of 71 student-athletes.

“We are dedicated to making sure our student-athletes have the best opportunity to succeed academically,” Smith said. “The academic center was a major enhancement for the department. Therefore, we are confident we can achieve our desired results to have all of our sports academically compliant with the NCAA, and give student-athletes the opportunity to earn their degree.”

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