For Fletcher, receiving her degree from FAMU yesterday was
an opportunity to honor her mother.
“Graduating cum laude and receiving a bachelor of science in
nursing (BSN) from the best nursing school in Florida is such a rewarding
feeling,” said Fletcher, who has a 3.18 GPA. “My mother was a nurse and I
always felt like she was actually more than just a nurse. She was the go-to
person for every institution that she worked for. Not only did I want to make
her proud, but I also wanted to do what made me happy.”
As she was growing up, Fletcher watched her mother, Authrine
Fletcher, struggle with sickle cell anemia while continuing to care for others.
Although the disorder hindered Fletcher’s mother from accomplishing some of her
life’s goals, the struggle she watched her endure for so many years would later
become a source of strength during a time of turbulence.
“I remember it like yesterday,” she recalled. “I called my mother and I did not get an
answer and that’s when I knew something was wrong. I called all of my siblings
and no answer. So, I called again and finally got an answer with the bad news.
The hardest part was to be the strong one for my sisters and brothers and
having to explain to a 10-year-old that it was not his fault that mommy died
when he said, ‘I did not know how to do those chest things to bring her back.’”
At the age of 19, Fletcher became the legal guardian of her
five younger siblings. She wanted to quit school and move back home to West Palm
Beach, Fla., but she continued to push forward. Her siblings moved up to
Tallahassee with her for two years.
“There were days when I just broke down and cried and had no
one to call or turn to but God,” she said. “I feel like if I set the pace, it
will be easy for my siblings to follow. I know they are all looking at the
steps that I make in life and look to me for answers for the path that they
take in life.”
Fletcher says she’s learned numerous life lessons during her
time at FAMU, including independence and the great value of an education. It
was at FAMU that she was encouraged to strive for success and continue to jump
over every hurdle that came her way.
“You are not just a number at FAMU,” the future nurse said.
“These professors actually do care about you and they want you to succeed. They
want you to go farther and not to just stop at an undergraduate education. An
education is something that no one can ever take away from you.”
Fletcher, who has received a job offer post-graduation that
would allow her to work with cancer and sickle cell anemia patients, says she
is thankful for being the first person in her family to graduate and grateful
for the FAMU experience.