FAMU alum to cater NFL Annual Player Networking Event

big rattler
1 minute read
Derrick McCray, a former FAMU football player, will hit the road today to cater one of the most exclusive events in American professional sports. The NFL has asked him to serve up his famous family-recipe barbeque at its Annual Player Networking Event on Saturday in New York City ahead of Sunday’s Super Bowl XLVIII.

The FAMU alumnus, who owns McCray’s II Backyard BBQ, previously presented his flavorful menu to attendees at NFL events in 2007 and 2010.

“They kind of found us in 2007 and we became the poster child of the emerging business program of the NFL... where they select small businesses from around the area that they feel can handle the workload and that can meet the requirements,” McCray said in quote published by WPTV.

According to WPTV, McCrary plans to serve “ribs, chicken, baked beans, cole slaw, potato salad, smoked sausage and marinated chicken breast hors d'oeuvres.”

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