Morale remained low at UNT Dallas after Price tried to terminate entire faculty

big rattler
1 minute read
Even though public pressure helped push John Ellis Price to back off his attempt to terminate the
entire faculty of the Dallas branch campus of the University of North Texas at Denton, morale among the professors remained low after it became a stand-alone school.

A Faculty Satisfaction Survey from 2012, Price’s last year as president of the University of North Texas at Dallas (UNTD), showed that most of the university’s professors (51 percent responded) were dissatisfied with the Price administration's leadership in numerous areas.

When they were asked if UNTD had good tenure policies, the majority of the respondents (58 percent) strongly disagreed.
An article from the Dallas Observer summarized the other major findings concerning the quality of the administration:

“Fewer than half of the respondents, 42 percent, agreed that UNT-Dallas is a good place to work, and the numbers get worse from there,” the article stated.

The articled continued: “The administration fares particularly badly. Only 24 percent are satisfied with the administration's receptiveness. On accountability, the number is 22 percent. The faculty's faith in the administration's decision-making? Just 18 percent were satisfied. There are similarly low marks for how well the school hews to its ‘core values’ of civility, virtue, reasoning, and accountability, none of which scores better than 34 percent.”

Read the full summary of the survey results here.

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