FAMU alumnus becomes top ranked commissioned officer in Florida National Guard

big rattler
2 minute read
On March 6, Gov. Rick Scott participated in the ceremony that officially promoted FAMU alumnus Michael A. Calhoun to serve as the top ranked commissioned officer of the Florida National Guard. As the new adjutant general, Calhoun will command more than 9,900 National Guard personnel and over 2,000 Air National Guardsmen from the organization’s headquarters in St. Augustine beginning March 29.

“I am proud today to officially promote Brigadier General Michael Calhoun to the rank of major general,” Scott said. “General Calhoun has selflessly served our country for more than 30 years, and held many leadership positions in the Florida National Guard. I am confident he will do a great job as the Adjutant General of Florida and that the Florida National Guard is always ready to respond to any emergency that may affect our state.”

The governor awarded Calhoun with his second star during the ceremony, raising his rank from brigadier general to major general.

“I would like to thank Governor Scott for his confidence in me and for hosting my promotion this afternoon. I look forward to my continued service with men and women of the Florida National Guard who remain ready to serve our state and nation,” Calhoun said.

Calhoun enlisted in the 1st Battalion, 265th Air Defense Artillery in August 1977 shortly after graduating from the class of 1976 of FAMU’s then School of Pharmacy with a bachelor of science degree. He attended Basic Training at Ft. Leonard Wood, Mo. and received advance training as a medic at Ft. Sam Houston, Texas. He received a direct appointment as a Medical Service Corps Officer in the Florida National Guard in July 1989 as a Pharmacy Officer with the 131st Mobile Army Surgical Hospital (MASH). He later became executive officer of the 131st MASH; Commander, A Company, 161st Area Support Medical Battalion; Logistics Officer, 50th ASG; Director, Host Nations Support, 50th ASG; and Director, Support Operations 50th ASG; Commander, 211th Regiment, Regional Training Institute-Florida, the 50th Regional Support Group; Commander of 83d Troop Command, and Brigadier General and Director of the Joint Staff.

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