“The goal of the Academic Performance Program is to
encourage teams to improve academically, not punish those who underperform. We
will work with HBCUs and limited-resource schools to make sure their college
athletes have every opportunity to succeed academically,” NCAA President Mark
Emmert said. “Members will explore a variety of options to help support the
schools and students who need additional assistance.”
Level One: Men’s Cross Country
Level One penalties focus on practice restrictions, allowing
teams to use that time to focus on academics. Teams facing this penalty lose
four hours and one day of practice time per week in season, replaced with
academic activities. This year, 13 teams face this level of penalty.
Level Two: Men’s Indoor Track and Field, Men’s Outdoor Track
and Field, and Football
Level Two penalties include the Level One penalty and a
reduction of four hours of practice time out of season replaced with academic
activities. This level also includes the elimination of the nonchampionship
season or spring football. Teams without nonchampionship seasons face a reduced
number of contests. This year, 11 teams fall in this category.
Level Three: Men’s Basketball
Level Three penalties include all Level One and Two
penalties, plus a menu of potential additional penalties. These can include
scholarship reductions; additional practice and contest restrictions;
coach-specific penalties (including game and recruiting restrictions); restricted
access to practice for incoming students who fall below certain academic
standards; restricted membership; and potential multi-year bans on postseason
competition. In 2014-15, four teams face this level of penalty.