Rattlers open men's basketball season with 103-71 win over Suns

big rattler
1 minute read
The Florida A&M Men’s Basketball team hosted its first season opener at home since 2008 on Friday, making a serious splash at the Al Lawson Center in a breezy 103-71 romp over the visiting Johnson (Fla.) University Suns.

FAMU Head Coach Byron Samuels was all smiles as his charges used solid defensive pressure to create fastbreak opportunities to start the runaway Friday night, forging a 51-30 lead at the break on 51.3 percent shooting, while holding the Suns to 29 percent from the floor.

“We played with great energy tonight,” Samuels said “and our defensive intensity helped create some offensive chances for us.

“Plus, us having a chance to open at home for the first time in eight years was big for us, and our guys fed off the home crowd without question. Opening at home is something we are going to try to do in the future too,” Samuels said.

The Rattlers ran the floor at will, thundering down at least a half dozen dunks to get the crowd of over 893 going early.

FAMU placed four players in double figures on the scoring parade, led by Malcolm Bernard with 17 points and eight rebounds, Craig Bowman with 16 points, Isaiah Omoregie with 14 points and Justin Ravenal with 12 points.

In the second half, the Rattlers continued their hot shooting, cashing in on 51 percent of their floor shots to stay ahead of the Suns, 52-41.

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