Warren elected chairman of FAMU Board of Trustees

big rattler
1 minute read
This morning, the FAMU Board of Trustees (BOT) elected Cleve Warren as its new chairman with a 10-0 vote. Trustee Robert Woody nominated him for the job. There were no other nominations.

The vacancy in the chairmanship opened when Rufus Montgomery stepped down on October 23 after leading two unsuccessful attempts to fire President Elmira Mangum a student protest that called for his removal. 

Warren previously came up short when he ran against Rufus for the chairmanship last year. 

At the BOT conference call today, Rufus expressed concern about electing an administrator at what he described as a competing school to lead the FAMU BOT. Warren is currently employed as the chief financial officer for Florida State College in Jacksonville, Fla. Rufus did not respond when he was asked for his vote on motion to elect Warren.

Warren holds a bachelor’s degree in banking and finance from the University of North Florida and a master’s degree in business administration (MBA) from Jacksonville University.

Back in 2012, the Florida Board of Governors appointed Warren to replace Richard Dent on the FAMU BOT. His term expired on January 6, 2015 and he will continue to serve as a trustee until the BOG decides whether to reappoint him.

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