Reyes wrote in an op-ed in the Tallahassee
Democrat that: “We must question why proponents of holding closed meetings want
to hide what state employees say and do in meetings.”
From Reyes’ letter:
“There are plenty of Florida court decisions and Attorney General opinions that hold that advisory committees are subject to Florida’s Sunshine Law. Therefore, before FAMU’s committees, task forces, etc., close their meetings, they should – with the assistance of FAMU’s General Counsel – seek an opinion from the Florida Attorney General about whether a particular committee is subject to the Open Meetings Law. Otherwise, the particular committee could be violating the law. There may be penalties for individual members of committees who attend meetings in violation of the Sunshine Law.
“Accountability and transparency are good for public institutions. FAMU should seek the benefits that accompany actions, discussions and recommendations made in the sunshine. We must question why proponents of holding closed meetings want to hide what state employees say and do in meetings.
“Holding open meetings encourages collegiality and
professionalism. It is easier to hide disrespectful, questionable and
incompetent conduct in closed meetings. Employees and the institution also
benefit from the more thoughtful and reasoned communications that may be
promoted by noticing the meetings, sharing the agendas in a timely manner prior
to the meetings, holding open meetings, and publishing timely minutes…
“I wish that all FAMU committee meetings were held in the
open. This level of transparency would help the institution and protect it and
its employees from ill-advised personal agendas of some individuals and destructive
workplace dynamics, such as silencing and bullying.”
Read the full op-ed here.