No worries: Robinson continues to travel during crisis

da rattler
1 minute read
Dr. Robinson and FAMU Alumni in Las Vegas, Saturday 
In a week where FAMU's three top finance officials ---Vice President for Administration and Finance/CFO Wanda Ford, Assistant Vice President/Comptroller Tiffany Holmes, and University Budget Director Ronica Mathis--- either resigned or were fired over the inappropriate transfer of funds from auxiliary accounts to athletics, and VP for Audit Joe Maleszewski's recent revelation to the FL Board of Governors (BOG) last Thursday that he was hiring an outside audit firm to determine the actual amount of dollars and the number of people involved in the transfer...   Maleszewski told the BOG that an outside firm would be hired by last Friday, their investigation is to be completed by August.  

Given this backdrop, President Larry Robinson seems to be worry free as he continues to travel the globe to take pictures with alumni.

In the past four weeks FAMU has been hit with a  near death penalty by the NCAA, a lawsuit by the former VP for Advancement over disparaging remarks via a "hot microphone", the crisis in the division of Administrative and Financial Services heading into last weeks' BOG meeting, and falling scores on the state's performance based funding metric.

As Orze Killgo, a writer at HBCU Digest, wrote last week there are "glaring signs that Dr. Robinson and his leadership team are not equipped to deal with these and other ongoing issues."

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