FAMU Trustees mulling internal committee overhaul

da rattler
The FAMU  Board of Trustees is poised to shake up its internal committee structure, with proposed changes that could significantly impact the university's governance dynamics. If adopted, the restructuring would see the Athletic Committee positioned under the purview of the Academic and Student Affairs Committee.
proposal would move Athletics Committee under
Academic and Student Affairs Committee

The proposed overhaul, which is set to be deliberated upon by the Trustees in their upcoming meeting, marks a pivotal moment in FAMU's governance strategy. Since its inception, the Athletic Committee had operated as a standalone entity within the university's committee framework.  A few months ago, it was combined with the Direct Support Committee, to provide greater synergies with funding. 
In recent weeks, Athletic Director Tiffani Sykes has come under increasing Board scrutiny for her laxed budgetary management, constant mendaciousness, and handling of the football coaches search.
The potential restructuring has sparked discussions among stakeholders within the FAMU community with many viewing the move as a strategic realignment that could water down some of the necessary oversight of the department by shoehorning athletics in between student affairs and academics.  
"The current structure provides a more holistic approach to the development of the department by aligning it with external finances and stakeholders," said one alum. "While I appreciate the intention behind this restructuring, we must ensure that athletics retains its autonomy and ability to address the unique challenges and opportunities within collegiate sports."
As the Trustees prepare to convene and deliberate on the proposed committee overhaul, the outcome of their decision remains uncertain.  
The Board is slated to take up the proposal in its Governance Committee at 11:15 a.m. on tomorrow (Wednesday).

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  1. Bad idea .... Athletics need to retain it's autonomy. Hire a qualified professional to run the Dept. College football drives all ncaa college athletics.

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