Investigative report outlines circumstances around fraudulent gift and systemic failures

da rattler
1 minute read

Buchanan Ingersoll & Rooney, PC, the law firmed hired by the FAMU Board of Trustee, to investigate a the proposed $237 million gift from Gregory Gerami, Batterson Farms Corporation, The  Issac Batterson 7th Family Trust to FAMU, yesterday issued its 68 page investigative report on the gift.     

The report, which has been eagerly awaited by the university community and the public, has determined that the major gift was indeed fraudulent and that the valuation performed by Mr. Gerami was baseless. 

The report even determined that the Non Disclosure Agreement between Gerami and university officials did not specifically prevent discussing the gift with FAMU Foundation Board Members or FAMU Trustees.   

The report suggested that former President Larry Robinson's lack of trust in his senior leadership team and the Board of Trustees (BOT) to maintain confidentiality surrounding the gift led to a perceived need to prioritize secrecy. This mistrust, the report stated, discouraged open communication and collaboration, leaving individuals isolated and unable to voice their concerns or seek guidance. 

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  1. In short, we were scammed. Now every away game’s halftime will feature a $237M diss.

    1. We've moved on.
      If SWAC folks are that petty, and they probably, so be it.

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